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Metrology and Measurement
Learn the science of RF measurements and engineering metrology.
Digital and RF Measurement Education
Improve your understanding of digital and RF measurements test by learning with metrology and measurement experts. Learn the basics of RF measurement, design and simulation techniques. Find out how to cut through the challenges of gigabit digital designs. Explore digital and RF measurement videos, application notes, technical seminars and technology/product videos.
RF Measurements Matter Series
Metrology and Calibration
Feel confident that Keysight metrology is behind every measurement you make.
Measurement Confidence
Know that every measurement is traceable to National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) through Keysight-engineered calibration procedures that verify instrument specifications.
Advanced Metrology
Rely on Keysight engineers who work with the NMIs to develop rigorous measurement techniques in engineering metrology and emerging technologies.
Metrology Expertise
Stay up-to-date on changing compliance requirements and their practical applications by working with Keysight metrologists who collaborate with international standards organizations.
Learn about Measurement Uncertainty and Risk
Fundamentals of Electronic Test and Measurement
Browse the application notes, seminars, and training classes here for measurement techniques.
Application Notes
Spectrum Analysis Basics (AN150)
Educational Overview of RF Power Measurement Basics and Applications
Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Noise Figure Measurements
8 Hints for Making Better Measurements Using RF Signal Generators
Understanding the Fundamental Principles of Vector Network Analysis
Signal Analysis Measurement Fundamentals
High Attenuation Measurement of Step Attenuators
Connector Pin Recession and its Effect on Network Analyzer Accuracy
The Metrological and Financial Implications of a Clogged Fan Filter
White Papers
Fully-Automatic DMM Calibration System
Evaluation of the Performance of a State of the Art Digital Multimeter
Damaged Connectors Impact the Quality of Measurements
Sensitivity Analysis of One-port Characterized Devices in VNA
Attenuator Calibration of Precision Step Attenuators
Assurance of Calibration Results
Transformer Ratio Measurements and Calibration
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