• Ready-to-teach package for a full-semester covering 50 hours of lab sessions
  • The courseware comes with a training kit (with BeagleBone board, lab sheets and problem-based assignments for hands-on learning) and is designed to work with hardware instruments and Keysight software, forming a complete teaching solution
  • Courseware integrates hands-on industry relevant experiences and real-world applications in IoT design and testing
  • Participant in University Student Certification Program

Keysight’s ready-to-teach Advanced IoT courseware is designed to assist educators in quickly setting up new engineering courses on the Internet of Things, with the intention of producing students who will fully understand the challenges and requirements of the IoT system design cycle, from design and validation to deployment in the market. In addition to teaching practical design and test techniques from the fundamentals of system design to wireless communication and power measurement, this courseware will also cover critical design considerations that have emerged with the evolution of the Internet of Things, such as cybersecurity, compliance and continuity.

The Wireless Connectivity and Network Security is a ready-to-teach package starting from portion of IoT System Design and Validation Fundamentals. The courseware then moves into how to develop typical IoT applications with various types of wireless connectivity and compliance study. It also covers IoT device and network security learning.

Looking for the courseware offers teaching slides? Check out the U3816A IoT Wireless Communication and Compliance, with Training Kit, Teaching Slide and Lab Sheet.

Recommended Instruments/software:

  • N9000B CXA Signal Analyzer - Multi-touch, 9 kHz to 26.5 GHz
  • U3838A Anechoic Chamber - Portable Wireless Anechoic Test Chamber
  • 89600 VSA software – Vector signal analysis tool for demodulation and vector signal analysis
  • N9077EM0E, N9081EM0E and N6141EM0E - X series measurement application (WLAN, Bluetooth, EMI) - benchtop and modular signal analyzers

Recommended year of study:

  • Third to final year undergraduates


BeagleBone® Green MCU is required to form a complete IoT training kit. Keysight is not able to ship to all countries. Please refer to the country list below:

Countries: USA, Canada, Europe, China, Russia, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, India, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, Brazil, Turkey, Colombia, Saudi Arabia and Mexico

All Others: BeagleBone® Green must be purchased separately. https://beagleboard.org/green

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