
To help engineers import Keysight IntegraVision PA2200 Series power analyzer data into MATLAB, Keysight has developed two MATLAB translation functions: one for importing (importKeysightPA2200ABin.m) and one for plotting (plotKeysightPA2200ABin.m). Two sample binary files, with .bin file extensions, are also available.

General Instructions

Download the two .m files and two .bin files shown at the bottom of this page. Place these programs and the binary file from the power analyzer into the MATLAB work directory. Then call the desired function from MATLAB, using the binary file name as an argument, enclosed in single quotes and parentheses. The output of the “import” program is the x and y axis arrays and the title. The output of the “plot” program is a series of graphic plots.

Example 1: Import IntegraVision_1.bin

The IntegraVision_1.bin file is a sample power analyzer binary file that includes several voltage, current, and power channels, along with four math functions: addition, d/dt, FFT, and square root.

  1. Copy IntegraVision_1.bin and importKeysightPA2200ABin.m into your MATLAB work directory.
  2. Call the function importKeysightPA2200ABin.m ('IntegraVision_1.bin') from MATLAB.

Example 2: Plot IntegraVision_0.bin

The IntegraVision_0.bin file is a sample power analyzer binary file that includes another interesting set of distorted waveforms to demonstrate the plotting functions

  1. Copy IntegraVision_0.bin and plotKeysightPA2200ABin.m into your MATLAB work directory.
  2. Call the function plotKeysightPA2200ABin.m from MATLAB. No argument is required because the file name IntegraVision_0.bin is hard-coded in the .m file.