PNA Series Windows Upgrades

This page presents the N52xxB PNA Series Windows 10 upgrade information and the N52xxA PNA Series Windows 7 upgrade information.

Windows 10

Keysight Technologies is offering the N8985A Microsoft Windows 10 Upgrade kit for all the N52xxB model PNAs.  Please ask your Keysight representative for a formal quote.

The N8985A is only compatible with the version 7 CPU.  The N8985A is a solid state drive containing Windows 10 version 1607 LTSC (Long Term Servicing Channel).

This upgrade is only applicable to N52xxB PNAs shipped from our factory between May 2017 and Oct 2018.  A serial number prefix break - 5842 - was implemented in Oct 2018 when we began shipping Windows 10, and all new PNAs have included Windows 10 since then.

Windows 10 upgrades will not be available for the older N52xxA models. However, most "A" models can be upgraded to a "B" models. See our "A"-to"B" Model Upgrade page for more information on this process. This model upgrade kit now includes the Windows 10 operating system.

Windows 10 Upgrade Process

The upgrade kit consists of a new SSD mounted on a slide-in tray. The installation process simply consists of replacing the current SSD with the new one; anyone can do this in less than 1 minute. Once powered on, several reboots may be needed and you will be required to agree to various licenses. After a few minutes the PNA should be fully functional.

In most cases, this upgrade will NOT affect the calibration of the PNA.
There are two exceptions:

  • On N5231B and N5232B models, there may be a required Global Delta Match calibration file located on the hard drive
  • On any PNA with the TDR option (S93011B), there is a System Default Calibration file also located on the hard drive

The included instructions cover how to transfer these files to the new SSD so that a new calibration does not need to be performed. However, it would certainly not hurt to perform a new calibration either; both calibrations are pretty simple to perform.

Of course, if you want to keep any existing files, instrument states, cal kits, etc., then you may want to save them off to a flash drive before removing the original SSD. Possible files that you may want to retain are listed below in the Windows 7 upgrade section under "Transfer any Desired Existing Files". Use the Windows 7 file locations for both the source and destination.

Windows 7

The N52xxA model PNAs were shipped with Windows XP from 2007 to 01 March 2014.  During this time, these PNAs were shipped with four versions of CPU board: versions 4-7.  Versions 4 and 5 do not have the type of processor that can manage the 64-bit Windows 7 operating system.  Any PNA with these CPUs will need to have the CPU replaced when the operating system in upgraded.  Please note that the only PNA models which can be upgraded to Windows 7 are N522xA PNA, N5231A-39A PNA-L, N524xA PNA-X, N5264A.

There are two upgrade models, depending on the CPU version.

  • N8983A - for the version 6 CPU
  • N8984A - for the version 7 CPU

For PNAs with the version 4 or 5 CPU, order the N8984A, opt. PC7.  This adds the version 7 CPU along with the SSD.  Both the N8983A and N8984A can be ordered with option SP5 to upgrade the very early version 4 DSP (SPAM) board to version 5.

Please note that upgrading to Windows 7 by itself will not affect the PNA's calibration or installed options. However, installing the new DSP5 assembly (Opt SP5) will require a full set of receiver adjustments. Since these adjustments will affect the PNA performance, Keysight recommends that the customer pay for an optional calibration.

Note for Windows XP Support:  While Microsoft ended support for Windows XP in April 2014, PNAs with this operating system will continue to function normally. Lack of Microsoft support only means that there will be no more security or bug fixes. It is recommended that existing customers install and regularly update antivirus software. Keysight will continue to supply replacement hard drives (with XP already installed) until Dec 2024.

Requirements for a Windows 7 Upgrade

The N524xA and N5264A models have shipped with four different CPU versions: 4, 5, 6, and 7. Only versions 6 and 7 can run the 64-bit Windows 7 operating system. If you are unsure of the installed CPU, click on Help, About Network Analyzer. If it indicates a System CPU Version which is less than 6.0, it needs to be upgraded.

DSP Note:  All of the PNAs that can be upgraded to Windows 7 have either Version 4 or 5 of the DSP board (aka, SPAM board.) The newer Version 5 DSP has been used since the beginning of 2012. Clicking on Help, About in the application will show which version is currently installed. BOTH Versions 4 and 5 are fully compatible with Windows 7. However, future firmware features may require the version 5 DSP board due to its higher IF bandwidth and significant increase in memory. You may want to think about upgrading this DSP board to Version 5. If you have the version 4 board, the newer version 5 part number is N5240-60078, but see the kit setup below. Customers that have all of the test equipment to run a full set of adjustments can install this assembly themselves. The only tools needed are TX-10 and TX-20 screwdrivers. Installation is simple for 4 port units; just swap the board making sure you reconnect the flexible IF cables to the proper jack (they are labeled.) For 2-port units, two of the flexible IF cables (for J2 and J5) may need to be replaced with slightly longer versions. These are N5247-60023 (for J2) and N5247-60024 (for J5); both are included in the kit below. After installation, perform the following adjustments in this order: IFGain, Receiver Characterization, and Receiver Adjustment. All require only a power meter and appropriate sensor(s). While the adjustments are not difficult, they can be time consuming and a bit tedious. For this reason, you may want to think about having this installed at an Keysight service center. Contact us for more information.

Note for early N5242A models

The first 200 or so N5242A models were shipped with a different touchscreen that does not have an associated Window 7 driver. While the touchscreen will probably still work after the upgrade, it will no longer be possible to calibrate it. If this is a concern, these units must have a new touchscreen installed. If accurate touchscreen operation is not a concern, then make sure you calibrate the touchscreen one last time before upgrading. The N5242A units affected are those with a numeric prefix BELOW MY4822, SG4822, and US4812. The touchscreen replacement requires several parts, so it is recommended that the PNA be returned to a service center for updating. These parts are listed in the N5242A service guide, page 6-14, footnote 'a'.

Before you Upgrade to Windows 7

IMPORTANT   BEFORE beginning the Windows 7 upgrade process, it is STRONGLY recommended that you install the latest A.09.90.xx firmware on your existing hard drive in case you ever need to later use XP for any reason. The reason for this is that the existing flash memory system will be changed to a new format once Windows 7 is installed. While the Windows 7 firmware is aware of both formats, only firmware A.09.90.05 and above can recognize both formats and act accordingly. If older firmware is not updated and the old XP hard drive is ever re-installed, the PNA will not function, errors will be generated, and the current contents of the Flash memory will be scrambled, making any recovery extremely difficult. Please take the few minutes to download and install the latest A.09.90 firmware to your existing XP hard drive before beginning the upgrade process.

Transfer any Desired Existing Files

Upgrading to Windows 7 will not affect the PNA's calibration or any installed permanent options, however, ALL temporary options will be lost. If the loss of temporary options is an issue, then save or print the text file gen.lic to some other media so that the keywords can later be reinstalled on the new hard drive. This file is located in: C:\Program Files\Agilent\Network Analyzer.

You may want to transfer some existing files from your XP hard drive before you install the Windows 7 drive. This is completely optional. If you do not need to save any existing files, then this section can be skipped.

If you later determine you need some files on the old XP drive, the best method to access a file is with a USB 2.5-inch hard drive enclosure. These are inexpensive and very simple to use. Just make sure you get an enclosure that matches your existing hard drive interface. The only drives that have a PATA (IDE) interface are the ones contained in the version 4 CPU; all the rest (those with the slide-in tray) contain SATA drives.

Some files you may want to retain are:

  • State Files (.csa, .cst, .sta, .calfiles)
  • Result Files (.snp, .csv, .cti, .png)
  • Mixer Files (.mxr/.mxrx)
  • Device Driver Files for DC Source (and Generic Sources)
  • Disk Based ecal user characterization files (.euc)
  • Any created Calkit Files
  • Noise ENR Files (.enr)

Since the hard drive will be replaced, you should save any needed files to a flash drive (or other media) before the new hard drive is installed. Below are the locations where these files can be found for XP and where they should be located for Windows 7.

File Type XP Location Win-7 Location Notes
State Files (.csa .cst .sta .cal files) C:\Program Files\Agilent\Network Analyzer\Documents C:\Users\Public\Documents\Network Analyzer Copy from XP location to Win7 location
Result Files (.snp .csv .cti) C:\Program Files\Agilent\Network Analyzer\Documents C:\Users\Public\Documents\Network Analyzer Copy from XP location to Win7 location
Mixer Files (.mxr .mxrx) C:\Program Files\Agilent\Network Analyzer\Documents\Mixer C:\Users\Public\Documents\Network Analyzer\Mixer Copy from XP location to Win7 location
Device Driver Files for DC Source C:\Program Files\Agilent\Network Analyzer\Documents\Drivers C:\Users\Public\Documents\Network Analyzer\Drivers Copy from XP location to Win7 location
Disk Based ecal user characterization files (.euc) C:\Program Files\Agilent\Network Analyzer\ECal User Characterizations C:\Users\Public\Documents\Network Analyzer\ECal User Characterizations Copy from XP location to Win7 location
Noise ENR Files(.enr) C:\Program Files\Agilent\Network Analyzer\Documents\Noise C:\Users\Public\Documents\Network Analyzer\Noise Copy from XP location to Win7 location
User Cal Kits (.wks) C:\Program Files\Agilent\Network Analyzer\PnaCalKits\User\userkits_7.50.wks Hidden Folder In Win-7 on PNA, use the "Open.." button at the top of the Edit Cal Kits dialog to browse to the '.wks' file you copied from your XP PNA disk. Select the '*.wks' filetype filter in the dropdown to be able to pick your wks file, that will load-in all your cal kits.
Color Scheme C:\Program Files\Agilent\Network Analyzer\Documents\Colors C:\Users\Public\Documents\Network Analyzer\Colors Copy from XP location to Win7 location
User Calsets C:\Program Files\Agilent\Network Analyzer\UserCalSets Hidden Folder Ensure you've saved-as '.cal' files and/or '.csa' files the User CalSets you want to keep, treat those like other "State Files" as described above. Recalling those '.cal' or '.csa' files in the PNA in Win-7 will re-constitute those CalSets.
Cal Registers C:\Program Files\Agilent\Network Analyzer\CalRegisters Hidden Folder Ensure you've saved-as '.cal' files and/or '.csa' files the Cal Registers you want to keep, treat those like other "State Files" as described above. Recalling those '.cal' or '.csa' files in the PNA in Win-7 will re-constitute those Cal Registers.


Windows 7 Installation Instructions

Installation of Windows 7 is very simple if the DSP and/or touchscreen is not also being replaced. Just follow the steps below.
However, if the SPAM board (DSP) or touchscreen are to be replaced, then do those procedures first! Refer to the product service manual for step-by-step instructions.

Note: HDD refers to the Hard Disk Drive even though it may actually be an SSD (Solid State Drive.)

  1. Shut down the PNA if it is still running.
  2. Remove all USB devices from the PNA except the mouse and keyboard. Disconnect any LAN cable.
  3. If you do not need to replace the current CPU assembly, then unscrew the HDD tray thumbscrew and remove it. Now skip to step 7.
  4. If you do need to replace the current CPU assembly, unscrew all 6 screws on the rear panel that holds the CPU in place.
  5. Pull on the two latches to release the board. Remove this board and set it aside.
  6. Carefully insert the new CPU assembly, close the latches, and attach it with the 6 screws previously removed.
  7. Insert the supplied HDD tray assembly into the open drive bay of the CPU; hand tighten the thumbscrew.
  8. Again, make sure there are NO USB devices connected to the PNA other than a mouse and keyboard.
  9. Apply power to the PNA (if needed) and press the power button. The PNA should begin to boot from the hard drive.
  10. The PNA will go through its initialization procedure. This will take about 11 minutes and may involve as many as 5 reboots.
  11. Wait until no more activity is seen for 1 minute. You should now see the normal PNA measurement window.
  12. Most likely the touch screen will be uncalibrated and reversed left-to-right; this is normal. Calibrate the touch screen by pressing the front panel buttons: System, Touchscreen, Calibrate Touchscreen. Follow instructions displayed.
  13. If desired, copy any saved files to their new locations (or import them as needed); this is described above.
  14. The PNA is now ready for use.

Set aside the old HDD (and/or CPU if applicable) in case you later discover you need a file from the old drive.

The PNA does not come with any antivirus software installed. You may want to install an antivirus program before connecting the PNA to the Internet. You may also want to download and install any recent Windows Updates. The kit will contain a firmware revision of A.10.00.xx, however it may not be the most recent. Check our firmware version page to verify the latest Windows 7 version available.
During use, you may notice that the Windows User Access Control (UAC) will prompt you for permission to install programs or make other critical changes. While this feature can be turned off, this is not recommended due to security concerns.


Firmware Revision Note:  Firmware for Windows 7 will always be A.10.00.00 or higher. Firmware for XP will always be A.09.99.99 or lower. You cannot run firmware below A.10.00.00 on a Windows 7 PNA. Likewise, you cannot run firmware A.10.00.00 or above on XP.

Password Note:  For many years now, the administrator user name has been "pna-admin" and the password has been "agilent". In Windows 7, the user name will remain the same, but the password is changing. This is because our company name has now changed to Keysight. All PNAs with Windows 7 will use the default lower-case password of "pna". If the short length violates your company policy, it can always be changed.

OS Note:  The Windows Properties dialog box (right-click on Computer, Properties) will not actually indicate Windows 7. Instead, it will show "Windows Embedded Standard". This is really Windows 7, but it is specifically for embedded systems such as the PNA.

Memory Note:  As mentioned above, Windows 7 uses a different flash memory format. While not recommended, it is possible to swap back and forth between Windows 7 and XP. If this is done, you may see the error "Your calibration file system is full..." when the OS is XP.