A New Era for Engineering Educators

Everything about modern engineering education has changed, from the way professors teach to the way students learn. Remote, hybrid, and eLearning solutions now touch all corners of the academic experience, including engineering teaching labs.

While there is no substitute for hands-on lab experiences, today’s academia demands a more agile learning environment. Keysight supports all aspects of engineering education, whether remote, hybrid, or in-person, empowering educators to better tune their teaching environment to the needs of their students.

How Educators and Students are Using Smart Bench Essentials

Sean Hum
Engineering Professor
University of Toronto

Dr. Dennis Derickson 
Engineering Professor
California Polytechnic State University

Hassan Khalid and Peyman Darvish 
Engineering Graduate Students
University of Malaya

Courseware for Your Classroom

Keysight offers university-level, curriculum-based teaching solutions to enhance engineering courses. Professors can engage their students with thought-provoking lectures and hands-on lab instruction. Each teaching solution comes with editable slides, lab sheets, and a customizable training kit filled with detailed lab procedures.

E-Learning Resources

Supplement your teaching with these engineering resources, from instrument fundamentals to 5G, IoT, and RF.

Basic instrument measurement

Industry-Ready Certification

Keysight designed our Industry-Ready Certification Program for the most promising engineering students. Nearly 900 students from 45 participating universities worldwide have earned this unique, internationally recognized certification that sets them apart in the job market. Learn more today.

Keysight’s Industry-Ready Certification Program
PathWave Design

Education Support Program

Nurture industry-ready engineering students with integrated circuit design and simulation software knowledge and skills. The Keysight PathWave Design Software (formerly EEsof EDA) University Education Support Program provides engineering students and professors at supported universities with fully functional software licenses for use on their personal computers.

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