
New and updated features in IC-CAP 2011.04 

  • W8510 IC-CAP WaferPro now includes new measurement algorithm examples and tutorials as well as a new driver for the Tokyo Electron (TEL) P8 and P12 fully automated prober. Several UI and programming enhancements now facilitate the creation and maintenance of the measurement algorithms.
  • CMOS Extraction Packages were updated to the latest model versions for BSIM4 (4.6.5), BSIMSOI4 (4.3), HiSIM_HV (1.2.1) and PSP (103.1). The CMOS Packages now work in conjunction with WaferPro to enable automated unattended CMOS measurements vs. temperature.
  • Operating Systems support for Windows® 7. See our Note on the planned discontinuance of support for the Solaris OS in IC-CAP 2012 below.
  • Platform, UI and PEL upgrades and new features include new features such as title and footer in Multiplot, the use of checkboxes to enable/disable parameters in optimization tables, and many more.


IC-CAP Device Characterization and Modeling SoftwareIntroducing IC-CAP 2011.04

IC-CAP 2011.04 continues to provide innovative modeling solutions with the breakthrough integrated solution IC-CAP WaferPro for automated measurements. In addition, CMOS Modeling Packages provide a dedicated environment for the extraction of CMOS models and new measurement capabilities, simulation, UI and programming features provide additional benefits in IC-CAP 2011.04.

W8510 IC-CAP Wafer Professional

IC-CAP WaferPro is a turnkey automated measurement application to allow DC, CV and RF measurements of semiconductor wafers. WaferPro was first released in IC-CAP 2010.08 (August 2010) and is becoming the industry standard for automated modeling measurements. Several new basic and advanced examples of measurement routines for CMOS, Bipolar, Diode and Ring Oscillator devices are now included. These examples serve as both tutorials, as well as starting points for modification and customization for diverse engineering applications. A new step by step tutorial guides users through the process of setting up a measurement system to work with WaferPro in a few easy steps.

In addition to an extensive list of supported instruments, probers, switching matrixes and thermal equipment, new drivers for switch matrixes and probers have been added in 2011.04. Tokyo Electron TEL P8 and P12 fully automated probers are now supported. On Windows, it is now possible to control SUSS and Cascade semi-automated probers via software link without using the GPIB interface, thus enabling IC-CAP and other wafer control software to reside on the same PC. Several other enhancements are included, such as new configuration options, new UI features, and the ability to control WaferPro automatically via PEL.

To learn more about WaferPro click here.

IC-CAP WaferPro Environment and Measured Data Display


Figure 1. WaferPro environment and measured data display

CMOS Extraction Packages

The CMOS Modeling Packages provide a dedicated environment for the extraction of CMOS models, striking a balance between required functionality for maximum efficiency and the desired flexibility that is necessary to extract diverse complex device models of advanced devices. The Packages provide turn-key extraction for all industry standard CMOS device models (PSP, HiSIM, BSIM3, BSIM4, BSIMSOI4, HiSIM_HV), ranging from low and high speed logic devices to high voltage / high power devices, such as RF LDMOS devices. IC-CAP 2011.04 updates the extraction procedures to support the latest model versions for BSIM4, BSIMSOI4, PSP and HiSIM_HV models. In addition, new features such as the ability to define a Safe Operating Area (SOA) for measurement, based on the device power consumption, are now included. One important new feature allows users to add user-defined parameters to the model being extracted, enabling engineers to create custom sub-circuits to model external effects or behaviors not included in the intrinsic transistor model.

A key capability added in this release is the CMOS Packages ability to link to WaferPro and further facilitate high volume automated measurements. As shown in the figure below, the CMOS Measurement Package manages the measurement conditions and the device information and now has the ability to create WaferPro Routines and a Test Plan Project that can be used to run the measurement across many die and wafers.

Once the devices of various geometries have been characterized via the CMOS Measurement Package and WaferPro, the CMOS Extraction Module will load the data collected via WaferPro for use in the model extraction.

CMOS Measurement Module

Figure 2. CMOS Measurement Module showing the Device Table and the link to WaferPro configuration.

New Measurement Capabilities

To enable the modeling and characterization of High Power devices, such as DMOS or LDMOS devices, the IC-CAP instrument driver for the B1505A has been improved to support the ability to measure with more than one unit in pulsed mode. In addition, IC-CAP 2011.04 provides the ability to control the on/off order of the bias units during measurement, which can be important to assure testing does not degrade device integrity, especially for sensitive devices and/or high-power measurements. This release also officially adds support for the TAMS L488 LAN-GPIB interface.

New Simulation, UI and Programming features

IC-CAP 2011.04 adds support for the .PARAM statement in Spice simulators that support it. IC-CAP 2011.04 also includes the ability to simulate Verilog-A models with Keysight Advanced Design System (ADS) as part of the IC-CAP Analysis Module at no extra cost. Verilog-A is a programming language that enables users to develop new custom models or modify existing models in a much simpler way than that traditional C or C++ implementation. Verilog-A model files are compiled at run-time by the simulator. Most of today’s industry standard models are available in Verilog-A format and an advantage of using Verilog-A models is that oftentimes the latest model version is available in Verilog-A form before vendors incorporate the model into their compiled simulators.

User interface enhancements include the addition of checkboxes to quickly select/deselect parameters in Optimizers (see Figure 3), a new text column called, “Comment” in Variable Tables to facilitate documentation, the addition of Header and Footer text in Multiplots, and the ability control the text size in Macros/Transform program text.

Optimization UI

Figure 3. New UI feature to Select/Deselect parameters in Optimizers.

Note on Solaris Discontinuance

Starting with IC-CAP 2012, Keysight EEsof EDA will no longer release IC-CAP on the Solaris (SUN OS) Platform. Therefore, we anticipate that the next IC-CAP 2011 release (currently scheduled in the second half of 2011), will be the last IC-CAP release to support Solaris.

Learn More

You can find more detailed descriptions and examples on the new features of this release in the "What's new in IC-CAP 2011.04" presentation.

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