Adapt Your RF Test Instruments to Test Evolving Wireless Standards

Streamline device design and test with PathWave software that helps you keep up evolving wireless test standards. Enhance your signal generator and signal analyzer with advanced capabilities to generate and analyze complex signals. Keysight PathWave test and measurement software delivers faster, more accurate engineering with support for dozens of industry applications and standards.

PathWave Software Trials for Signal Generation

Create signals for a wide range of general-purpose and standards-based applications

Bluetooth® Signal Creation Suite

Bluetooth® Signal Creation Suite

Create standard-based signals for Bluetooth® Basic Rate (BR), Enhanced Data Rate (EDR), Low Energy (LE) 4.0 and 4.2, and Bluetooth® 5 and 5.1 technologies

IoT Signal Creation Suite

IoT (Internet of Things) Signal Creation Suite

Create validated and performance-optimized reference signals compliant with IEEE 802.11a/b/g/j/p/n/ac/ah/ax standards

WLAN 802.11 Waveform Signal Creation Suite

WLAN 802.11 Waveform Signal Creation Suite

Create validated and optimized reference signals compliant with ZigBee, Wi-SUN, LoRa CSS, 802.15.4/4z HRP UWB PHY, and many others

PathWave Software Trials for Signal Analysis

Rely on the industry's broadest offering of measurement applications for benchtop and modular signal analyzers (instrument serial number required).

Bluetooth® Measurement Application

Bluetooth® Measurement Application

Measure RF transmitter performance, compliant to Bluetooth® Core specifications 2.1+EDR/3.0/3.0+HS, LE (RF-PHY.TS/4.0/4.2), and Bluetooth® 5 and 5.1

Vector Modulation Analysis Application Software

VMA Vector Modulation Analysis Application

Support spectrum and power measurements: monitor spectrum, channel power, occupied bandwidth, power complementary cumulative distribution function, adjacent channel power, and many others

PathWave Vector Signal Analysis (89600 VSA) Software

PathWave Vector Signal Analysis (89600 VSA)

Software tools to explore every facet of a signal and optimize your designs. Measure a broad range of signals including 5G, IoT, radar and more

Software Enterprise Agreement

Deploy a Keysight Software Enterprise Agreement to capture continuous value for your organization. Enterprise Agreements deliver flexible, cost-effective access to Keysight’s broad software portfolio through a re-mixable license pool.

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