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Genesys Filter & Match
The Genesys Filter & Match building block is a subset of the full Genesys Synthesis. It contains the popular passive filter and match synthesis capabilities for lumped and distributed networks.
Filter & Match Building Block
Classical lumped filter synthesis for RF applications with over 100 topologies. This is the most popular synthesis module.
Distributed filter synthesis for microwave applications with over 60 topologies, including automatic layout for subsequent EM analysis. Synthesizes high-performance microwave filters and assists make-versus-buy decisions.
Synthesizes impedance-matching networks over narrow and broad frequency bands with lumped or distributed components and complex frequency-dependent loads.
Synthesizes 13 types of transmission lines with lumped-distributed circuit conversion and automatic discontinuity insertion. Converts ideal electrical designs to physical implementation such as microstrips and striplines on your choice of substrate.
Learn more about PathWave RF Synthesis (Genesys).