Extend the Life of Your Infiniium MXR or EXR Oscilloscope: Upgrade Today


Keysight's Infiniium MXR and EXR oscilloscopes are fully upgradeable post-purchase with just a license key. They offer several performance, capability, and application-specific upgrades to meet evolving requirements. Some of the upgrades include adding analog bandwidth, analog channels, memory, RTSA, RF frequency extension, waveform generator, MSO, and more. The oscilloscopes also support various signal integrity, automotive, power, compliance test, and protocol decode/trigger applications with purpose-built software packages. For a limited time, customers can purchase two eligible software packages and get two of equal or lesser value for free. To get a quote for the upgrades or software packages, customers can contact Keysight at www.keysight.com/find/contactus. For more information on Keysight's products, applications, or services, customers can visit www.keysight.com.