기술 지원

N1225A 4채널 고분해능 레이저 축 보드

현재 펌웨어/소프트웨어
버젼 B.40
릴리스 날짜 2020-03-06
  • 리소스
  • 드라이버, 펌웨어 및 소프트웨어
  • 교육 및 이벤트
  • 지식 센터


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어플리케이션 노트
With the release of the Keysight N1225A firmware revision B.40, the N1225A 4-channel high-resolution laser axis board for VME introduces additional functions. This application note provides general information and updated register maps for new functionality added by firmware revision B.40.
어플리케이션 노트
How to use the Keysight IO Libraries to access the N1225A VME Axis Board
제품 팩트 시트
The N1225A provides ultra-sensitive fiber optic receivers and high resolution distance measurements. Multiple N1225A boards can be linked together for up to 31 axes of position measurement.
Introduce capabilities, benefits and features of the Keysight Interferometry systems.
제품 팩트 시트
Keysight offers a selection of electronic measurement boards (PCI, VME or USB) for use with Keysight Laser Interferometer systems.
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