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Calibration documentation

P5004A-1A7Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Not Accredited) 
P5004A-A6JANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration 

Standard hardware configurations

P5004A-2002-port, 9 kHz to 20 GHz 

Additional hardware

P5004A-021Add pulse modulator to internal 1st source 
P5004A-090Spectrum analysis hardware 
P5004A-190Vector signal analysis hardware 


S97024BBasic pulsed-RF measurements lite for P50xxA 
S97551BMultiple instruments/modules measurements 
S97088BSource phase control 
S97553BMultiport calibrated measurements with switch instruments 
S97083BVector and scalar mixer/converter measurements 
S97007BAutomatic fixture removal 
S97089BDifferential and I/Q devices measurements 
S97090BSpectrum analysis 
S97029BNoise figure measurements with vector correction 
S97015BReal-time S-Parameter and Power Measurement Uncertainty 
S97010BTime domain analysis 
S97025BBasic pulsed-RF measurements 
S97086BGain-compression measurements 
S97552BMultiport calibration assistant 
S97084BEmbedded LO capability 
S97460BTrue-mode stimulus 
S97011BEnhanced time domain analysis with TDR 
S97082BScalar mixer/converter measurements 
S97560BOperation with N5252AW VDI frequency extenders 
S97111BActive hot parameters, restricted to 50 GHz 
S97087BIntermodulation distortion measurements 


U8485AUSB Power Sensor; 10MHz-33GHz; -33dBm to +20dBm 
Y1700ARack mount kit for USB instruments 
Y1701AMultiple USB instruments configuration kit 
Y1710ATransit Case for Keysight Streamline USB modular products 

서비스 및 소프트웨어 라이선스 워런티, 교정 및 서비스

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이 제품에 KeysightCare를 이용할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용

KeysightCare Service Plan OC.

R-55A-001-2KeysightCare Assured - Extend to 2 years (includes Return to Keysight Extended Warranty) 
R-55A-001-3KeysightCare Assured - Extend to 3 years (includes Return to Keysight Extended Warranty) 
R-55A-001-5KeysightCare Assured - Extend to 5 years (includes Return to Keysight Extended Warranty) 
R-55C-001-2KeysightCare Calibration - calibration of choice and technical support with priority TAT - 2 years 
R-55C-001-3KeysightCare Calibration - calibration of choice and technical support with priority TAT - 3 years 
R-55C-001-5KeysightCare Calibration - calibration of choice and technical support with priority TAT - 5 years 

Start-up Assistance Option Class.

PS-S40-02Optional - technology and measurement science standard learning 

Return to service center warranty and service plan

R-51B-001-CReturn to Keysight Warranty - 1 year. 
R-51B-001-3CExtended Warranty - Return to Keysight - 3 years 
R-51B-001-5CExtended Warranty - Return to Keysight - 5 years 

Calibration service plan

R-50C-011-3Calibration Plan - Return to Keysight - 3 years 
R-50C-011-5Calibration Plan - Return to Keysight - 5 years 
R-50C-016-3Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 3 years 
R-50C-016-5Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 5 years 

구매 후 업그레이드 업그레이드

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P5004AUP5004A upgrade 

Add Spectrum Analysis

P5004AU-090Add spectrum analysis hardware up to 20 GHz 
P5004AU-190Add Vector signal analysis hardware up to 20 GHz 
R1286A-HUKeysight hardware upgrade installation services. 

Hardware Upgrades

P5004AU-021Add pulse modulation hardware 