KSMS (S9910A) Software Download
To install or upgrade KSMS (S9910A):
- Download the KSMS zip file, unzip to PC hard drive.
- If you have S9911A TDoA license, at very first time install N6854A Geolocation server software first (no license required).
- Go to unzipped folder and run setup file. The setup file does not usually need to be run as administrator depending on your PCs configuration and networking setup; however, if you right click on the file and see a "run elevated" option, please choose that option. If you do not have a "run elevated" option please just double click on the file to run it. If during the install you see an error message screen that says "Failed to install or upgrade PostgreSQL" , please manually run the PostgreSQL installer (postgresql-14.3-1-windows-x64.exe) under PostgreSQLInstaller folder and the re-run the setup file as administrator.
Keysight는 가능한 최신 버전을 사용하는 것을 권장하며, 최신 버전에는 현재 사용 가능한 가장 최신 버그 수정 및 보안 패치가 포함되어 있습니다.
릴리스 날짜 | 버젼 | 버전 설명 |
2024-11-21 | 1.2.1+5 | See Supporting Documentation |
릴리스 날짜 | 버젼 |
2024-11-21 | 1.2.1+5 |
Version Description |
See Supporting Documentation |
다운로드 방법
- Click the Download button
- Select file and save
설치 방법
- Run N6854A Geoserver install if you have never installed this software before
- Run setup.exe
지원 문서
Installs on: PC
운영 체제
- Windows 10 (64 bit)
선결 조건
- Keysight Pathwave License Manager
- Keysight Geoserver if TDoA is required (no license required)
지원되는 계측기
- FieldFox B models for both signal monitoring and TDoA
- FieldFox A models for signal monitoring, does not include N9912A
- FieldFox must have option 233 spectrum analyzer or is a FieldFox type spectrum analyzer
- For TDoA, Option 390 is required on FieldFox