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Source / Measure Units (SMUs) Modules, N6700 Power System

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White Papers
This white paper will help you to select the right SMU to achieve a given task, taking into account the SMU’s form factor and measurement capabilities.
User Manuals
This manual discusses user information about the N6705 DC Power Analyzer. It does not include programming or service information.
Service Manuals
This is the Operating and Service Guide for the N6700C Series Modular Power System.
Data Sheets
This data sheet addresses how to easily access a power supply's advanced sourcing and measurement features with the 14585A power supply control and analysis software.
Technical Overviews
This selection guide will help you select the right DC power supply for your application (for example, bench power supply, specialized requirements or more complex requirements).
Application Notes
This application note will describe in detail the procedure on evaluating battery run down to easily and accurately evaluate performance of a mobile device that is being directly powered by its battery.
Application Notes
Learn how to choose the right power supply to lower integration costs, enhance DUT protection, enable longer system uptime, and gain additional benefits.
Application Notes
See how the low-cost Keysight B2961B / B2962B 6.5 digit power sources can characterize 14-bit ADC circuits and VCOs requiring a 10 microvolt RMS noise floor.
Application Notes
You can measure and analyze the short– and long-term battery drain using the Keysight N6705C DC power analyzer and any of the N6700 Series SMUs with the BV9200B PathWave BenchVue advanced power control and analysis software. You can use the actual battery instead of a DC source to power...
Get the tools you need to measure and analyze dynamic current drain from sub-microamps to amps to deliver exceptional battery life.
Technical Specifications
Application Notes
Learn how battery drain analysis can help you optimize IoT battery life to ensure long-lasting battery performance. Keysight offers a wide variety of IoT design solutions.
Application Notes
Batteries are increasingly important in Healthcare IoT. The Internet of Things (IoT) and modern connectivity technology increasingly connect healthcare and medical devices. In the Healthcare IoT, battery-powered wireless medical devices are increasingly prevalent in our daily lives. These Healthcare...
White Papers
As more portable electronic devices with multiple features hit the market, battery run time becomes critical for product differentiation and customer satisfaction. Consumers frequently expect long battery life for their applications and devices. Long battery life is a major differentiator in...
Provides a series of information and catchy short videos to help you get a hold of Keysight instruments and make the most out of your measurements.
Data Sheets
Please make changes to existing datasheet 5990-5829 with attached marked up document.
Technical Overviews
Gaining deeper insights into a mobile device's operation is crucial for optimizing battery run time.
Data Sheets
Information and specs for the N6783A-BAT Battery Charge/Discharge for use with the N6700 Modular Power System.
Case Studies
Learn how Keysight helped a customer’s design team (an implantable medical device manufacturer) with a recommended solution for battery drain analysis.
Technical Overviews
A key consideration when powering a mobile device with a DC source is getting current drain test results comparable to that of usin a battery, when optimizing battery run time.
User Manuals
Keysight Series N6700C Low-Profile Modular Power System - User Guide
Product Fact Sheets
This two-page Product Fact Sheet describes the N6700 Modular Power System offering the ability to mix and match various performance level modules in a single mainframe package
User Manuals
This addendum must be used in conjunction with the standard Keysight Series N6700 and N6705 User’s Guides and Service Guides.
Technical Overviews
STEP format 3D Model of the N6781A module to be used with N6700 series mainframes. This model is mainly for reference purpose only.
Technical Overviews
STEP format 3D Model of the N6785A module to be used with N6700 series mainframes. This model is mainly for reference purpose only.
Showing 1 to 25 of 49

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