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Infiniium 오실로스코프에 대한 D9010AUTP 자동차 프로토콜 디코드/트리거 소프트웨어(CAN, CAN FD, CAN XL, LIN FlexRay, SENT)

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Keysight released an oscilloscope-based automotive protocol trigger/decode solution covering CAN XL to verify and debug low-speed automotive serial bus.
데이터 시트
The D9110AUTP software package for Infiniium oscilloscopes gives you the ability to trigger and decode on a large and ever-expanding suite of low-speed automotive serial protocols: CAN, CAN-FD, CAN-XL, LIN, FlexRay and SENT. This package applies to the Keysight MXR, EXR, 9000, 90000, S, V, Z, and...
A quick look at the differences and applications for CAN/CAN-FD or LIN vs automotive Ethernet for in-vehicle communications.
Automotive digital technology has traditionally focused on optimizing the vehicle’s internal functions, now attention is turning to developing the car’s ability to connect with the outside world and enhance the in-car experience, enter automotive Ethernet.
어플리케이션 노트
Engineers primarily use oscilloscopes to debug and characterize various automotive serial buses. These include the controller area network (CAN), CAN FD, CAN XL, local interconnect network (LIN), FlexRay, single-edge nibble transmission (SENT), and automotive Ethernet. An oscilloscope inherently...
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