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Time Sync Analyzer Appliance and Base Software – 941-0120
Scalable multiport and multiuser time sync tester with Open RAN DU emulator
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The Keysight time syn analyzer offers seamless testing with the high-performance Open RAN distributed unit (O-DU) emulator, designed for MIMO and massive MIMO O-RAN Radio Unit (O-RU) test and validation. The solution includes a versatile appliance and a base 3U software rack mount.
- Integrate with Keysight Open RAN Studio software to play, capture, and analyze ORAN traffic over a fronthaul interface.
- Test massive MIMO beamforming, data throughput, and capacity.
- Perform O-RU synchronization plane (S-plane) conformance test in a deterministic, user-friendly test environment with an intuitive interface.
- Execute Python and Representational State Transfer (REST) protocol automatically.
- Run comprehensive Python / REST using the test automation process.
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