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N9915AU-010Vector network analyzer time domain 
N9915AU-030Remote control capability 
N9915AU-208USB power sensor measurements versus frequency 
N9915AU-209Extended range transmission analysis (ERTA) 
N9915AU-210Vector network analyzer transmission/reflection 
N9915AU-211Vector network analyzer full 2-port S-parameters 
N9915AU-2121-port mixed-mode S-parameters 
N9915AU-215TDR cable measurements 
N9915AU-233Spectrum analyzer 
N9915AU-236Interference analyzer and spectrogram 
N9915AU-238Spectrum analyzer time gating 
N9915AU-302USB power sensor support 
N9915AU-307GPS receiver 
N9915AU-308Vector voltmeter 
N9915AU-309DC bias variable-voltage source 
N9915AU-310Built-in power meter 
N9915AU-312Channel scanner 
N9915AU-330Pulse measurements 
N9915AU-350Real-time spectrum analyzer (RTSA) 
N9915AU-351I/Q analyzer 
N9915AU-355Analog demodulation 
N9915AU-356Noise figure measurements 
N9915AU-370Over the air LTE FDD measurements 
N9915AU-377Over the air 5G TF measurements 
N9915AU-358EMF measurements 
N9915AU-352Indoor and outdoor mapping 
N9915AU-371Over the air LTE TDD measurements 