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Technical Support
CX1101A Single Channel, ±40 V, 100 MHz, 40 nA – 1 A
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Configuration Guides
The CX3300 series is the world's first instrument that can precisely visualize low-level current waveforms you have never seen before by 14/16-bit dynamic range, max. 200 MHz bandwidth and low noise.
Data Sheets
Use IoT Design Anomalous Waveform Analytics for Failure Analysis.
Application Notes
This application note explains 7 hints that can be undertaken in order to obtain more favorable current measurement with the CX3300.
User Manuals
Describes accessories for the CX3300 series Device Current Wavefom Analyzer.
Product Fact Sheets
The CX3300 series is the world's first instrument that can precisely visualize low-level current waveforms you have never seen before by 14/16-bit dynamic range, max. 200 MHz bandwidth and low noise.
Application Notes
The CX3300A enables a wide range of precision current waveform measurements that have been difficult to obtain using a conventional current probe.
Application Notes
You can solve the IoT device development challenges and dramatically improve the development efficiency and quality with current profile measurement with a Device Current Waveform Analyzer.
Application Notes
This application note describes the measurement challenges in the precision dynamic current measurement in the various conditions, and Keysight’s new solution for them.
Application Notes
The CX3300 enables you to easily and accurately visualize wide-band and low-level current waveforms of the MCU low-power mode transition. Read more.
Application Notes
The CX3300 allows you to easily visualize wideband low-level, previously undetectable current waveforms while reducing the power consumption of BLE devices.
Application Notes
You can accelerate the development of next generation non volatile memory; CX3300 series for visualizing the fast switching characteristics, B1500A for basic IV,CV,pulsed IV and reliability testing.
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