Configuration Guides
This N9041B UXA configuration guide will help you determine which performance options, measurement applications, accessories, and services to include with your N9041B UXA or to add as upgrades to an existing N9041B UXA.
User Manuals
Getting started and troubleshooting information for the N9041B UXA signal analyzer (windows 10).
User Manuals
User's information for the X-Series Signal Analyzer 1.0 mm Input Connector Kit.
Reference Guides
This document describes instrument memory types and security features. It provides a statement regarding the volatility of all memory types, and specifies the steps required to declassify an instrument through memory clearing, sanitization, or removal.
Data Sheets
N9041B UXA X-Series Signal Analyzer configuration guide includes model numbers and descriptions of performance options, software applications, accessories and services.
Application Notes
In real-time spectrum analysis, many user-adjustable parameters affect probability of intercept, which is the minimum duration of a signal that can be observed and measured with 100% probability.
Technical Specifications
This document contains N9041B UXA signal analyzer specifications and supplemental information.
Review and compare the X-Series signal analyzers, including key specifications, features, and applications.
eBook for millimeter-Wave signal analysis focused on signal analysis at millimeter-Wave frequencies. Learn how to select and use proper signal analysis equipment for testing at millimeter-Wave frequencies.
White Papers
Just a decade ago it might have been hard to believe, but millimeter-frequency applications above 50 GHz are going mainstream. Wireless HD, 802.11ad wireless networking, 5G cellular, and automotive radar are high-profile examples of an important trend, supported by remarkable advances in...
Application Notes
Learn how to quickly and accurately measure the power of digitally modulated signals, maximize the capacity of your system and improve the quality of communication.
Application Notes
As you reach toward terahertz frequencies, it’s easy to underestimate the challenges that arise in design, simulation, measurement, and analysis. Compared with signals at baseband, RF, or microwave, those at 30 GHz, 300 GHz, or 1 THz behave quite differently. Download the application note and learn...
Solution Catalog
Solution Briefs
TOYO Corporation
Application Notes
This application note will examine some of the challenges a system engineer should consider when developing RF recording and RF streaming for A&D solutions.
Application Notes
Today’s digitally modulated signals contain multiple carriers, making power measurements very complex, technology-dependent, and time-consuming. See how to simplify your power measurements.
Application Notes
Learn how the new features of Keysight’s PXA, offer tools you need to design, test and deliver your next breakthrough in satellite communications testing.
Application Notes
A RF streaming solution simplifies recording and analysis of intermittent signals, combining the Keysight signal analyzers and IQC5255B recorder with powerful software components.
Application Notes
See how easy it is to characterize LTE devices using MXA signal analyzers with a touchscreen UI that includes drop down menus to speed up LTE design testing.
Application Notes
Learn how Keysight X-Series signal analyzer with 1GHz analysis bandwidth delivers wide-open performance and deeper views of elusive and wideband signals.
Application Notes
The EXA Signal Analyzer comes with a built-in noise figure uncertainty calculator, which gives you a dependable uncertainty reading for a specified setup.
Application Notes
Get the best tools and latest developments for different types of pulse analysis and display and analysis techniques for various signals and measurement goals.
User Manuals
Getting started and troubleshooting information for the N9041B UXA signal analyzer (Windows 7).