Technical Specifications
Upgrade your Keysight PNA A-model network analyzer hardware and firmware to a B-model at a fraction of the price of a new B-model. Extend the lifespan of your instrument with this time-limited offer.
Application Notes
This application note covers calibration standard definitions, calibration kit content, and the structure requirements for Keysight's vector network analyzers.
Application Notes
Explore the techniques of de-embedding and embedding S-parameter networks with a DUT. The error coefficients can be modified using the error-correcting algorithms of the VNA.
The B-models of the Performance Network Analyzers are the latest evolution of PNA technology giving you more functionality and extended lifespan with guaranteed support. The PNA A-models will be obsolete and reach the end of standard support June 2024. To simplify these upgrades, we now offer...
Application Notes
Time domain analysis is useful for impedance measurement and for evaluating a device problem. Learn how to apply the time domain display with network analyzers.
Application Notes
Learn principles of component, in-fixture testing with vector network analyzers. This application note explains in more detail, the need for a fixture test.
PNA Hardware Change History
The Keysight PNA-L is designed for your general-purpose network analysis needs and priced for your budget. With the same core firmware as the PNA, the PNA-L offers the perfect balance of value and performance. The PNA-L provides efficiency and flexibility in both manufacturing and R&D applications,...
Technical Overviews
Learn about Keysight's broad offering of vector network analyzers. This technical overview includes the product details to help customers select the VNA that is right for their application.
Service Manuals
This is the Service Guide for the N5221/2/9A PNA Microwave Network Analyzers (300 kHz to 8.5 GHz, 13.5 GHz, and to 26.5 GHz).
Installation Guides
This upgrade converts your N52xxA microwave network analyzer to an equivalent N52xxB. This is done by removing the existing front panel assembly, outer covers, and installing a new front panel assembly, SSDA, and outer covers.As part of this upgrade, there are other assemblies that need to be...
PNA Hard Drives and CPUs
Application Notes
Network analyzer error correction is a more thorough method of removing systematic errors. Learn more about vector network analyzer calibration techniques.
Application Notes
5G Channel Emulation
These FAQs are related to the network analyzer overall system operation, configuration, and firmware. They do not address network analyzer operational questions such as measurement techniques, calibrations, or specific programming examples. Please note that the answers to some of these questions...
Release Notes
This document describes instrument memory types and security features. It provides a statement regarding the volatility of all memory types, and specifies the steps required to declassify an instrument through memory clearing, sanitization, or removal.
Information on upgrading a PNA from Windows XP to Windows 7, or Windows 7 to Windows 10
Release Notes
N52xxA PNA Firmware Release Notes
Help Files
This link accesses the downloadable version of the help for the PNA Series Network Analyzers, including user-interface descriptions, SCPI commands, tutorials, system requirements, licensing information, and more.
Help Files
This link accesses the online-viewable version of the help for the PNA Series Network Analyzers, including user-interface descriptions, SCPI commands, tutorials, system requirements, licensing information, and more.
Installation Guides
This document describes the N8984A upgrade kit changes required for the PNA operating system from Windows XP (32-bit) to Windows 7 (64-bit). For compatibility, some older N5242A models may require new touchscreen hardware (not included), and many PNA-X models may require a new CPU board assembly...
System No. DPS50
Solution Briefs
Keycom Corp.