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[VBA Sample Program] Band Pass Filter (BPF) Test Demo VBA for E5061B/E5071C/E5072A
This sample VBA program provides limit testing for band pass filter measurement.
Revision Number
Supported functions
- Limit test function for filter component
- Modify segement sweep settings. (Start/Stop frequency, Points and IFBW)
- Modify limit line settigs for S21 and S11 trace
- Save/Recall function for segment sweep and limit line settings
How to install and run this file
- Copy the download file to the D:\VBA folder of your ENA. The macro named “BPF_TEST_DEMO_E5061B_xxxx.vba” can run on the E5061B, and “BPF_TEST_DEMO_E507x_xxxx.vba” can run on the E5071C and E5072A. To run the macro, press [Macro Setup] on the ENA front panel, then select Load & Run, and click on "BPF_TEST_DEMO_E5061B_xxxx" (for E5061B) or “BPF_TEST_DEMO_E507x_xxxx” (for E5071C/E5072A) on the softkey menu.
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