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Compact, multichannel vector signal generator capable of signal generation up to 8.5 GHz with 1 GHz of modulation bandwidth per channel.
Enable faster, flexible testing for 802.3ck and PCIe® 6.0 designs with a 50+ GHz probe.
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Learn how to run a 3D EM simulation, set up a multi-lane memory simulation, and build a preliminary memory interface virtual prototype.
Lesson 1 - Memory Designer Tutorial
Simulating with Memory Designer to perform an eye measurement.
White Papers
Designing for DDR4 and Beyond
The video provides an overview of how to use Keysight's Memory Designer software to simulate memory interfaces. The video covers the creation of a memory interface model, running a 3D electromagnetic simulation, importing the results of the simulation, and performing eye diagram analysis. Memory Designer can be used to accurately model the effects of the PCB layout on the signal integrity of the memory interface, perform what-if analysis to identify the impact of different design changes, and verify that the memory interface meets its performance requirements.
Four Considerations for High-speed Digital Design Success
High-speed digital standards are quickly evolving to keep pace with the data demand from emerging technologies such as 5G, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and autonomous vehicles.
W3626B ADS Core, EM Design, Layout, HSD Ckt Sim, Memory, SIPro, PIPro
Includes post-layout verification for high-speed serial, memory, Signal Integrity and Power Integrity.
How to Design A Stable RF Power Amplifier
Perform high-frequency RF power amplifier stability analysis comprehensively using EDA software supporting Winslow probes
Electronic Load, 8 Hints to Strengthen Your Bench
Learn how a bench electronic load can test a wide range of devices and how simple it can be to test your device with the built-in analysis capability.
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