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N6785A Source / Measure Unit for Battery Drain Analysis, Multiple Ranges, 80 W, Double-Wide
Source/Measure Unit for Battery Drain Analysis, Multiple Ranges, 80 W, Double-wide
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The N6785A is a source/measure unit (SMU) designed specifically for battery drain analysis of large mobile, battery-powered devices up to 20 V, up to 8 A, up to 80 W.
Deliver exceptional battery life. Only Keysight N6780 Series SMUs let you visualize the current drain from nA to A in one pass and one picture unlocking insights to deliver exceptional battery life. Accurately emulate a battery with exceptional sourcing.
- Stable, glitch-free sourcing and sinking (charge/eLoad), just like a battery.
- Programmable output resistance mimics the battery’s internal resistance.
Make measurements you didn’t think were possible.
- Characterize your device’s off-, sleep-, and transmit-mode current in one pass and one picture with seamless measurement ranging technology — no need to make multiple measurement sweeps.
- Perform battery rundown tests and characterize how your device performs with an actual battery with the SMU’s ammeter (zero-burden current shunt) mode.
Output ratings:
- Voltage: 20 V / 15 V / 10 V / 6 V
- Current: ± 4 A / ± 5 A / ± 6.7 A / ± 8 A
- Power: Up to 80 W
Output voltage ripple & noise (PARD) from 20 Hz – 20 MHz:
- CV peak-to-peak: 15 mV
- CVrms: 1.5 mV
Programming accuracy (at 23°C ± 5°C after 30-minute warm-up. Applies from min. to max. program):
- Voltage, 20 V, 15 V, 10 V, and 6 V ranges: 0.025% + 1.8 mV
- Current, 4 A, 5 A, 6.7 A, and 8 A ranges: 0.04% + 1.4 mA
Measurement accuracy (at 23°C ± 5°C)
- Voltage, 20 V range: 0.025% 1.8 mV
- Current, 8 A range: 0.04% + 1.5 mA
- Current, 100 mA range: 0.025% + 10 µA
- Current, 1 mA range: 0.025% + 100 nA
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