Easily create switch connections with a graphical editor for Test Steps


Switch Management Made Easy

  • Graphical editor to develop connections between DUTs, Instruments, cables and select switch matrixes
  • Switch connections become editable settings in Test Steps
  • Easily create and customize reports using the provided HTML5 example templates, or create your own templates
  • Ports and connections can be renamed to fit your application

Simple Development Workflow

  • Add Input/Output ports to your instrument and DUT plugin definitions
  • Add DUTs, Instruments, and Switches to your bench profile
  • Define cables and connections in the connections designer
  • Use the created connections in Test Steps

Supported Switch Matrices

  • Keysight 34904A, 34931A, 34932A
  • Dicon MXR-4X4-1U-12C-8-50-MTP-B-R
  • Custom switched can be integrated with Keysight assistance
  • Flexible Software Licensing
  • Fixed (node-locked, single PC), transportable and network/floating licenses with either perpetual or annual time frame

KS8105A Switch Manager PluginPathWave Test Automation is a modern Microsoft .NET-based application that can be used stand-alone or in combination with higher level test executive software environments. The KS8105A Switch Manager Development Plugin includes a graphical editor that makes it easy to develop connections between DUTs, Instruments, cables, and select switch matrixes. Connections are made by sequentially clicking on ports that define a connection. Ports and Connections can be renamed to fit your application. These connections then become editable settings within Test Steps.

For more information about Test Automation Software, please visit PathWave Test Automation Software.

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