User Manuals
Visit the Probe Resource Center for probe manuals, data sheets, SPICE models, videos, application notes, and more.
White Papers
This document explains vertical noise characteristics of oscilloscopes, how it impacts your measurements, and provides valuable hints on how to more accurately perform noise and interference measurements on low-level signals in the presence of relatively high levels of measurement system noise.
Application Notes
Higher sample rate scopes are not always better. Learn more about Nyquist’s sampling and how to evaluate scope sample rates vs. signal fidelity for accurate results.
Application Notes
How much bandwidth does your oscilloscope really need? Learn how to choose the correct bandwidth oscilloscope for your application.
Application Notes
Acquire skills in the art of oscilloscope basics and their practical applications. Learn the essentials of using oscilloscopes for precise signal analysis and testing.
Data Sheets
Logic analyzer probe solutions: A guide to high-quality, connectorless probing for accurate measurements in your project.
White Papers
Learn about what a mixed signal oscilloscope is, the necessary requirements, mixed-signal triggering and how this can help in your test and debug of embedded designs.
White Papers
Your scopes waveform update rate matters. Learn how to measure the update rate of your scope and how update rate affects the dead time as well as the probability of capturing glitches.
Data Sheets
You rely on the insight a MSO, provides to understand the behavior of your FPGA in the context of the surrounding system.
Data Sheets
Debug the signal integrity of your CAN and LIN designs fasterCAN, LIN, and FlexRay serial buses using the industry's fastest decode update rates.
Data Sheets
FPGA dynamic probe for Xilinx used with InfiniiVision 6000, 7000, or 4000 X-Series MSOs provides an effective solution for simple, thorough complex debugging of systems incorporating Xilinx FPGAs.
Data Sheets
N5423A and N5424A Keysight Technology’s triggering and decode options for the 6000 Series oscilloscopes offer hardware-accelerated decode to help you debug I2C, SPI, CAN and LIN serial buses using the industry’s fastest decode update rates.
Application Notes
See how Keysight’s new and improved MSO makes debugging todays mixed analog and digital designs easier than ever before.
Application Notes
Discover QA processes, Six Sigma standards, and the benefits mask testing brings to the QA process for electronic signals to achieve Six Sigma quality.
Application Notes
Keysight deep memory oscilloscopes are designed with superior ability to capture infrequent and random events without sacrificing digitizing performance.
Application Notes
A high-quality oscilloscope display allows you to see critical signal anomalies and make a big difference in your ability to troubleshoot design effectively.
See how easy it is to download and use a Keysight free 30-day software trial. This short video explains how to download an 89600 VSA software free trial and explore what the software can do. Keysight offers free 30-day trials of its broad range of design and test software with absolutely no...
Service Manuals
This is the service guide for the 7000 Series oscilloscopes.
Release Notes
The release notes for the 7000 Series oscilloscopes provide information about software changes made for each release.
Application Notes
Data Sheets
Keysight engineers developed the InfiniiVision 7000 Series with advanced technology that will allow you to see more subtle signal detail and more infrequent events than any other scope on the market. See the InfiniiVision 7000 Series oscilloscope—the industry’s best for signal viewing.
User Manuals
This is the user's guide for the Keysight InfiniiVision 5000/6000/7000 Series oscilloscopes.
Seminar Materials
Programming Guides
This is a printable PDF version of the 7000A Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide.
Programming Guides
This is a zipped Microsoft Windows® format help file. Extract this file to a Local Disk (a Windows security requirement); on Windows XP, you may have to open the file's Properties dialog and Unblock the file before opening.