Version 11.7 (Date Code: 05 February 2001) (Released: 05 February 2001)

Keysight Advisor 11.7 Support - All Keysight Advisor 11.7 files require this release of Advisor Reporter to be processed correctly.
Frame Relay CIR Statistics Support - Allows you to plot various CIR and EIR statistics on up to 30 DLCIs at a time in a single report. Top 10, 20, and 30 selection buttons add convenience and flexibility. Both frame and bit rates are presented by DLCI based on classifications below CIR, between CIR and EIR, and above CIR + EIR.
LMI Expert Statistics Support - Allows you to detect network problems through monitoring of the Frame Relay signaling protocol LMI (Local Management Interface). Timers (T391, T392) can be tracked along with general LMI related parameters which include Sequence number errors, Single PVC Async Messages, Down PVCs, CLLM Count, and Observed DLCIs.
LAN SmallTalk Measurements Obsoleted - The older LAN SmallTalk (DOS-based windowed environment) measurements are no longer supported in this release of Advisor Reporter.

Version 11.6 (Date Code: 14 November 2000) (Released: 04 December 2000)

Keysight Advisor 11.6 Support - All Keysight Advisor 11.6 files require this release of Advisor Reporter to be processed correctly. 

Version 11.51 (Date Code: 29 September 2000) (Released: 10 November 2000)

Update Activation Key Implementation - Advisor Reporter 11.51 requires that an Update Activation Key be installed if you do not already have an original license of 11.5 installed. Each Update Activation Key has an embedded Date Code Limit which is typically 12 months from the date of issuance when obtained via a Software Update Service (SUS) subscription. The Date Code Limit of an Update Activation Key must be no later than the Date Code of a particular Advisor Reporter Update to unlock it. Advisor Reporter 11.51 has an embedded Date Code of 29-Sep-2000, which corresponds to the release date of the Keysight Advisor 11.5 to which it is linked.
X.25 LCN Stats Fix - Keysight Advisor 11.4 and 11.5 X.25 Channel Stats measurements are now processed properly.
Frame Relay CIR Entry Fix - Manually entered CIR values (as opposed to those selected from drop-down lists) no longer cause an error.
DLCI / LCN Selection Logic Improved - Selecting the same DLCI or LCN in more than one selection field no longer causes an error, the duplicates are ignored.
LAN Protocol Stats Fix - Utilization values could be misstated when using non-default update intervals.
Report Paper-Size Optimizations - New scaling algorithms improve output quality on non-US Letter size paper.

Version 11.5 (17 October 2000)

Same Reporter, New Name - Internet Reporter is now called Advisor Reporter.
Keysight Advisor 11.5 Support - All Keysight Advisor 11.5 files require this release of Advisor Reporter to be processed correctly.
Office 97 or 2000 Supported - Overwhelming customer demand encouraged us to continue support for both popular Office platforms.
Frame Relay Enhanced DLCI Measurement Support - This replacement measurement for Channel Stats allows any 30 of up to 1023 DLCIs to be presented in a single report. Top 10, 20, and 30 selection buttons add convenience and flexibility.
Interface Rate Override - You can now hard-code the interface rate used in efficiency calculations to override the observed rates from the Keysight Advisor. This is especially useful on interfaces like V-Series where the observed rate can vary over time. On ATM, the actual allocated cell rate is only a fraction of the full interface rate, so this feature is more of a requirement than a luxury for meaningful reporting.

Version 11.4 (15 August 2000)

Keysight Advisor 11.4 Support - All Keysight Advisor 11.4 files require this release of Internet Reporter to be processed correctly.
WAN Interfaces Added - DS3, E3 and HSSI interfaces are now supported in WAN.
WAN BERT Results - Provides BERT Results for T1 and E1 interfaces within the WAN in Windows Keysight Advisor environment.
ATM BERT Results - Provides BERT Results for DS3, E3, and OC-3c interfaces in both cells and frames modes.
ATM Line Status - Signaling error conditions and FEAC Messages are presented for T1, E1, DS3, E3, and OC-3c interfaces.
User-Defined Report Titles - A minor but convenient addition that allows you to define your own titles for display on report cover pages.
Office 2000 Required - Internet Reporter has begun taking specific advantage of some of the advanced capabilities of Office 2000, making it a requirement for the generation of reports. Users of Office 97 will still be able to view and edit reports created with Internet Reporter 11.4 on an Office 2000 platform.
WAN Toolkit Measurements Obsoleted - The older WAN Toolkit (Blue Screen) measurements are no longer supported in this release of Internet Reporter.

Version 11.3 (17 March 2000)

Internet Advisor 11.3 Support - All Internet Advisor LAN in Windows files require this release of Internet Reporter to be processed correctly. Although no WAN- or ATM-specific modifications have been made in this release, its use will prevent a file version warning message from appearing when processing Internet Advisor 11.3 files and users of Office 2000 will benefit greatly from chart-optimizations.
LAN in Windows Token-Ring and FDDI Support - Data collected with the Protocol Vitals, Line Vitals, Protocol Stats, and Node Stats family of measurements on these interfaces can be processed with Internet Reporter with many new technology-specific tables and charts.
Increased LAN Data Precision - Now all LAN in Windows statistics are calculated into 64-bit floating point values, eliminating the potential for Internet Reporter to wrap large values from the Internet Advisor.

LAN Protocol and Node Stats Calc Change - Per-second and per-interval values for these measurements are now based on the update interval for these measurements and not the global logging interval for the file. This allows Internet Reporter to more accurately represent the data when a user inadvertently sets these two intervals to different values.
LAN Protocol Vitals Protocol Selection - Internet Reporter will now only build tables and charts for observed protocols stacks, regardless of the configuration settings on the Internet Advisor. This saves a lot of wasted processing time, visible table space, and makes for more pertinent charts and reports. Users can further narrow the protocol selection process by disabling specific protocol stacks either in the Internet Advisor or Internet Reporter config screens.
Office 2000 Chart Optimization - Due to an apparent bug in Office 2000, Stacked-Area charts would include labels and tick marks for every timestamp, causing longer log files to display potentially illegible charts. Other optimizations enlarge the image area and center legends better on most charts.
Glossary Toggle - Users can now choose to include or exclude the glossary text in report documents.

Version 11.2 (28 December 1999)

Internet Advisor 11.2 Support - All Internet Advisor WAN-ATM in Windows files require this release of Internet Reporter to be processed correctly. No LAN modifications were made in this release.
WAN Line Status Measurement Support - Extended signaling error conditions are now processed for T1, E1, and BRI U Interfaces. BRI-U configs also include an EOC Report.
Frame Relay DLCI CIR calc fix - CIR values were not calculated on V-Series interfaces when processing files collected with Internet Advisor 11.1 WAN software.

Version 11.1 (06 October 1999)

Internet Advisor 11.1 Support - All Internet Advisor LAN-WAN-ATM in Windows files require this release of Internet Reporter to be processed correctly.
Smaller Report File Sizes - Word Reports are now a fraction of their former size without sacrificing output quality. Reports also process somewhat faster as a result.
WAN Vitals and Channel Stats Modifications - WAN files are now processed using the same measurement model as LAN and ATM files, allowing independent processing of Line Vitals and DLCI/LCN Stats measurements.

Version 11.0 (22 July 1999)

Integrated support for Far East versions of the Internet Advisor, Windows, and Office 97 / 2000 - This includes support for double-byte characters, a reworked user-interface to properly display text, and translation of non-western language symbols. Optimizations made using Japanese-language systems.
Internet Advisor 11.0 Support - Modifications made to the LAN in Windows Protocol Vitals and Line Vitals measurements only.
LAN Line Vitals Chart Selection Fix - LAN Protocol Vitals charts are now grayed out when selecting charts for a LAN Line Vitals measurement.
Channel Stats Chart Selection Fix - Channel Stats chart selections are now reset properly each time AutoReport Editor is run.

Version 10.21 (04 June 1999) - Interim Maintenance Release

Frame Relay DE-FECN-BECN Efficiency Chart Fix - Frame Relay charts for DE, FECN and BECN Efficiency would actually show Good, Errored and DE Efficiency respectively.
Report Stats Table Label Fix - The stats table in the Custom Counters section of reports would mislabel the average heading as something like "Ave DCE - DCE". instead of "Ave DTE - DCE".
Single DLCI CIR Fix - When only one DLCI is selected for processing, "#Name" would appear in the CIR Utilization section of tables and cause chart errors.
Lan Protocol Vitals Chart 221 DECNet Fix - This chart was defective and caused an error when selected.
Word Complex Formatting Message Fix - Word would interrupt processing because of complex formatting when configured for Fast Saves and/or non-native Word 97 file formats.
AutoReport Profile Fix - WAN DLCI and LCN Cross Reference charts and BERT charts were not saved properly in AutoReport Profiles.
Remote Timezone fix - Any LAN in Windows .dat file created in a timezone +- 10 to 12 hours of GMT caused overflows.
Error handler improvements - Better descriptions of errors given, more workaround solutions given, fewer repetitive errors presented, and new errors added.
Minor cosmetic improvements - Some minor report formatting tweaking done and tab-key reordering on selection panels performed.

Version 10.2 (26 April 1999)

First release of new Internet Reporter platform