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DC Power Supply — Frequently Asked Questions
Keysight offers a wide range of variable DC power supply solutions including bench and ATE power supplies. Our supplies are ready for your application, offering optimal voltage, current, capability, and performance choices. Below is a list of frequently asked questions about DC power supplies.
What is a DC power supply?
A DC power supply provides direct current (DC) voltage to power a device under test (DUT).
What is a variable DC power supply?
It is a DC power supply with an output voltage that the user can vary. Keysight variable DC power supplies allow you to change the voltage and the current to the DUT.
Why is a DC power supply needed?
A DC power supply provides a constant biasing voltage or current to electrical devices, components, or circuits and ensures that the DUT operates as expected.
How do you use a DC power supply?
A DC power supply connects to a DUT via leads that connect to the DC power supply panel. Engineers can set voltages or current levels to power the device for testing purposes.
How does a DC power supply work?
A DC power supply converts alternating current (AC) power into DC power using either a linear or switching methodology. A switching power supply has higher efficiency, reduced weight, and smaller size. Linear power supplies can achieve lower noise, but modern switching supplies have minimized or eliminated this advantage.
What is a bench DC power supply?
A bench DC power supply is designed to sit on an engineer’s bench. It will typically have a large, legible display and a user interface so engineers can easily control all aspects of the power supply from the front panel. Users can also control modern bench power supplies via software. In addition, the output terminals are easily accessible from the front.
Bench power supplies are handy tools for testing circuits, as they allow you to adjust the voltage on the fly. If you have a project that needs a specific voltage or haven’t designed the power section yet, a bench power supply can be a lifesaver.
What is an ATE system power supply?
Automated test equipment (ATE) system power supplies are programmable power supplies designed for use in ATE systems. Size is a crucial factor; ATE power supplies with greater power density take up less rack space and reduce the factory floor space required for test equipment.