
For more details: View Configuration Guide

Frequency options

N9030B-503Frequency Range, 2 Hz to 3.6 GHz 
N9030B-508Frequency Range, 2 Hz to 8.4 GHz 
N9030B-513Frequency Range, 2 Hz to 13.6 GHz 
N9030B-526Frequency Range, 2 Hz to 26.5 GHz 
N9030B-544Frequency Range, 2 Hz to 44 GHz 
N9030B-550Frequency Range, 2 Hz to 50 GHz 

Preamplifier options

N9030B-P03Preamplifier, 3.6 GHz 
N9030B-P08Preamplifier, 8.4 GHz 
N9030B-P13Preamplifier, 13.6 GHz 
N9030B-P26Preamplifier, 26.5 GHz 
N9030B-P44Preamplifier, 44 GHz 
N9030B-P50Preamplifier, 50 GHz 

Bandwidth options

N9030B-B2XAnalysis bandwidth, 255 MHz 
N9030B-B40Analysis bandwidth, 40 MHz 
N9030B-B1XAnalysis Bandwidth, 160 MHz 
N9030B-B85Analysis bandwidth, 85 MHz 
N9030B-B5XAnalysis bandwidth, 510 MHz 

Performance Options

N9030B-EA3Electronic attenuator, 3.6 GHz 
N9030B-LNPLow noise path 
N9030B-MPBMicrowave preselector bypass 
N9030B-EP0Enhanced phase noise, DDS LO 
N9030B-RTSReal time data streaming 

Baseband Inputs

N9030B-BBAI/Q baseband inputs, analog 

Calibration Options

N9030B-UK6Commercial calibration certificate with test data 
N9030B-A6JANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration 
N9030B-AMGCalibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Accredited) 

Connector Options

N9030B-ALVAuxiliary log video output 
N9030B-C35RF input Connector, 3.5 mm, male 
N9030B-CR3Connector rear, second IF output 
N9030B-CRPConnector rear, programmable IF output 
N9030B-YAVScreen video, log video and linear video 

External Mixing

N9030B-EXMExternal mixing 

Security - PC Features

N9030B-SF1Security features, exclude launching programs 
N9030B-SF2Security features, prohibit saving results 
N9030B-SS2Additional Solid state drive, Win10, for PC8 
N9030B-SS3Additional M.2 NVMe SSD, Win10, for PCA 

Audio Input and Digitizer

N9030B-107Audio input and digitizer 

Application Software

N6171AMATLAB Software 

Real Time Recorder

N9030B-RTRReal-time spectrum recorder and analyzer application example 


CV1117ACover, Front Panel, Phantom Gray for 4U X-Series Signal Analyzers 
1DVR001AROM/CD-R/RW drive 
MLP001AMinimum loss pad, 50 to 75 ohm 
1CR014ARack Slide Kit for 17-inch and 20-inch Mounting Holes 
N9030B-033Measuring receiver connector accessory kit, 26.5GHz MMR 
N9030B-034Measuring receiver connector accessory kit, 50GHz MMR 

Application Software with Subscription

N9061EM0ERemote Language Compatibility Measurement Application 
N9062EM0ESCPI Language Compatibility Measurement Application 
N9063EM0EAnalog Demodulation Measurement Application 
N9067EM0EPulse Analysis Measurement Application 
N9068EM0EPhase Noise Measurement Application 
N9069EM0ENoise Figure Measurement Application 
N9071EM0EGSM/EDGE/Evo Measurement Application 
N9073EM0EW-CDMA/HSPA+ Measurement Application 
N9077EM0EWLAN 802.11a/b/g/j/p/n/af/ah Measurement Application 
N9077EM1EWLAN 802.11ac/ax Measurement Application 
N9080EM0ELTE and LTE-Advanced FDD Measurement Application 
N9080EM3ENB-IoT and eMTC FDD Measurement Application 
N9081EM0EBluetooth (TM) Measurement Application 
N9082EM0ELTE and LTE-Advanced TDD Measurement Application 
N9084EM0EShort Range Communications and IoT Measurement Application 
N6141EM0EEMI Measurement Application 
N9085EM0E5G NR Measurement Application 
N9030RT1BReal-time analysis up to maximum available BW, Basic Detection 
N9030RT2BReal-time analysis up to maximum available BW, Optimum Detection 
N90EMEDPBEnhance Display Package 
N90EMEMCBBasic EMC Functionality 
N90EMESCBExternal Source Control 
N90EMFP2BFast power 
N90EMRBEBResolution Bandwidth Extended 
N90EMTDSBTime Domain Scan 
N9054EM0EVector Modulation Analysis Digital Demodulation Measurement Application 
N9054EM1EVector Modulation Analysis Custom OFDM Application 
N9091EM0EMeasuring Receiver Application 
N9092EM0EAvionics Measurement Application 
N9072EM0Ecdma2000 measurement application, remote control only 
N9076EM0E1xEV-DO measurement application, remote control only 
N9079EM0ETD-Scdma/HSPA measurement application, remote control only 
N9080EM4ELTE V2X measurement application 
89601301CMulti-vendor hardware connectivity 
89601AYACDigital demodulation analysis 
89601B7NC3G modulation analysis 
89601B7RCWireless connectivity modulation analysis 
89601BHFCCustom OFDM modulation analysis 
89601BHGCLTE/LTE-A FDD modulation analysis 
89601BHHCLTE/LTE-A TDD modulation analysis 
89601BHMCDOCSIS modulation analysis 
89601BHNC89601BHNC 5G NR/5G-Advanced modulation analysis 
89601BHPCFMCW radar analysis 
89601BHQCPulse analysis 
89601BHTCIoT modulation analysis 
89601BHXCHigh throughput WLAN modulation analysis 
89601200CAdvanced vector signal analysis all-inclusive with no frequency, bandwidth limits and up to 64 channels 
N9055EM0EPower Amplifier Measurement Application 
N90EMPSMBPower Suite Measurement Application 
89601PSMCPower Suite Measurement 
N9056EM0EChannel Quality for Group Delay Measurement Application 
N9077EM2EWLAN 802.11be Measurement Application 
N9085EM4ENR V2X Measurement Application 
N9056PC1EChannel Quality for Noise Power Ratio Measurement Application, PC License, PC License 
N9077EM3EWLAN 802.11ac/ax Measurement Application, limited 
89601QAMCWLAN 4096QAM modulation 
89601BVXCHigh throughput WLAN modulation analysis, limited 
N90EMQAMBWLAN 4096QAM modulation 
N9077EM4EWLAN 802.11be Measurement Application, limited 

Bundle Adjustment Option

N9030B-ESTElectronic System Test 

Services and Software Licenses Services

For more details: View Configuration Guide

KeysightCare is available for this product. Learn More

Warranty and Service plan for Dynamic Pricing

R-C7A-001-1-DHardware Support Plan - 1 year 
R-C7A-001-3-DHardware Support Plan - 3 years 
R-C7A-011-3-DHardware Support Plan with Keysight Calibration - 3 years 
R-C7A-010-3-DHardware Support Plan with RTK Operational Verification - 3 years 
R-C7A-020-3-DHardware Support Plan with On-Site Operational Verification - 3 years 
R-C7A-011-5-DHardware Support Plan with Keysight Calibration - 5 years 
R-C7A-017-5-DHardware Support Plan with Accredited Calibration - 5 years 
R-C7A-010-5-DHardware Support Plan with RTK Operational Verification - 5 years 
R-C7A-020-5-DHardware Support Plan with On-Site Operational Verification - 5 years 
R-47F-001-1-DHardware Support Plan - 1 year 
R-47F-011-3-DHardware Support Plan with Keysight Calibration - 3 years 
R-47F-017-3-DHardware Support Plan with Accredited Calibration - 3 years 
R-47F-010-3-DHardware Support Plan with Operational Verification - 3 years 
R-47F-011-5-DHardware Support Plan with Keysight Calibration - 5 years 
R-47F-017-5-DHardware Support Plan with Accredited Calibration - 5 years 
R-47F-010-5-DHardware Support Plan with Operational Verification - 5 years 

Return to service center warranty and service plan

R-51B-001-CReturn to Keysight Warranty - 1 year. 

Services for UXA/PXA/EXA/MXA/MXE/UXG Series

PS-X10Solution Engineer Professional Services, Daily 
PS-S20-01Recommended Startup assistance, daily 
PS-S10Remote scheduled productivity assistance hours 
PS-S20Startup assistance, daily 

Post-Purchase Upgrades Upgrades

For more details: View Upgrade Guide

N9030BUUpgrades for PXA Signal Analyzer, Multi-touch 


N9030BU-B2XAnalysis bandwidth upgrade, 255 MHz, microwave 
N9030BU-B5XAnalysis bandwidth upgrade, 510 MHz, microwave 
N9030BU-B1XAnalysis bandwidth upgrade, 25 MHz to 160 MHz 
N9030BU-B40Analysis bandwidth upgrade, 25 MHz to 40 MHz 
N9030BU-B85Analysis bandwidth upgrade, 25 MHz to 85 MHz 
N9030BU-BU3Analysis bandwidth upgrade, 40 MHz to 160 MHz 
N9030BU-BU7Analysis bandwidth upgrade, 85 MHz to 160 MHz 
N9030BU-BUFAnalysis bandwidth upgrade, 255 MHz to 510 MHz, microwave 
N9030BU-BUGAnalysis bandwidth upgrade, 25 or 40 MHz to 510 MHz for millimeter units without EPO 
N9030BU-BUMAnalysis bandwidth upgrade, 255 MHz to 510 MHz, millimeter 
N9030BU-BU8Analysis bandwidth upgrade, 85 or 160 MHz to 255 MHz, includes EP0 upgrade for microwave units 
N9030BU-BURAnalysis bandwidth upgrade, 25 or 40 MHz to 510 MHz, for microwave units that have EP0 
N9030BU-BUSAnalysis bandwidth upgrade, 25 or 40 MHz to 255 MHz, for millimeter units that have EP0 
N9030BU-BUQAnalysis bandwidth upgrade, 25 or 40 MHz to 255 MHz, for microwave units that have EP0 
N9030BU-BUJAnalysis bandwidth upgrade, 85 or 160 MHz to 510 MHz, for millimeter units 
N9030BU-BU9Analysis bandwidth upgrade, 85 or 160 MHz to 510 MHz, includes EP0 upgrade for microwave units 
N9030BU-BUTAnalysis bandwidth upgrade, 25 or 40 MHz to 510 MHz, for millimeter units that have EP0 
N9030BU-BUWAnalysis bandwidth upgrade, 25 or 40 MHz to 255 MHz, for millimeter units without EP0 
N9030BU-BUXAnalysis bandwidth upgrade, 85 or 160 MHz to 255 MHz, for millimeter units 

Performance Options

N9030BU-EP0Enhanced phase noise DDS LO 
N9030BU-EA3Electronic attenuator, 3.6 GHz 
N9030BU-EDPEnhanced display package 
N9030BU-FP2Fast power, up to maximum available analysis bandwidth 
N9030BU-HL1Hardware and license upgrade, preselector bypass and low noise path, Opt 508, 513, 526 
N9030BU-HL2Hardware and License Upgrade, preselector bypass and low noise path, opt 544, 550 
N9030BU-LNPLow noise path 
N9030BU-MPBMicrowave preselector bypass 
N9030BU-TDSTime Domain Scan - requires N6141C 
N9030BU-FT1Frequency mask trigger, basic detection license 
N9030BU-FT2Frequency mask trigger, optimum detection license 
N9030BU-FS2Enhanced fast sweep speed 
N9030BU-DP4Digital processor for B85, B1X, 4 GB capture memory 
N9030BU-RTSReal time data streaming 
N9030BU-DUADuplex IF RTSA 
N9030BU-RBEResolution bandwidth extended 

Baseband Inputs

N9030BU-BBAI/Q baseband inputs, analog 

EMC Functionality

N9030BU-EMCBasic EMC functionality 

External Mixing

N9030BU-EXMExternal mixing 

Frequency Upgrade

N9030BU-F01Frequency Upgrade from 3.6 to 8.4 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F02Frequency Upgrade from 3.6 to 13.6 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F03Frequency Upgrade from 3.6 to 26.5 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F04Frequency Upgrade from 3.6 to 44 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F05Frequency Upgrade from 3.6 to 50 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F06Frequency Upgrade from 8.4 to 13.6 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F07Frequency Upgrade from 8.4 to 26.5 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F08Frequency Upgrade 8.4 to 44 GHz, without B2X or B5X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F09Frequency Upgrade 8.4 to 50 GHz, without B2X or B5X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F10Frequency Upgrade from 13.6 to 26.5 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F11Frequency Upgrade 13.6 to 44 GHz, without B2X or B5X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F12Frequency Upgrade 13.6 to 50 GHz, without B2X or B5X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F13Frequency Upgrade 26.5 to 44 GHz, without B2X or B5X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F14Frequency Upgrade 26.5 to 50 GHz, without B2X or B5X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F15Frequency Upgrade from 43/44 to 50 GHz, includes 50 GHz preamp, installation, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F16Frequency Upgrade from 8.4 to 44 GHz, currently with B5X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F17Frequency Upgrade from 8.4 to 50 GHz, currently with B5X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F18Frequency Upgrade from 13.6 to 44 GHz, currently with B5X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F19Frequency Upgrade from 13.6 to 50 GHz, currently with B5X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F20Frequency Upgrade from 26.5 to 44 GHz, currently with B5X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F21Frequency Upgrade from 26.5 to 50 GHz, currently with B5X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F22Frequency Upgrade from 8.4 to 44 GHz, currently with B2X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F23Frequency Upgrade from 8.4 to 50 GHz, currently with B2X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F24Frequency Upgrade from 13.6 to 44 GHz, currently with B2X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F25Frequency Upgrade from 13.6 to 50 GHz, currently with B2X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F26Frequency Upgrade from 26.5 to 44 GHz, currently with B2X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 
N9030BU-F27Frequency Upgrade from 26.5 to 50 GHz, currently with B2X, inc. install, calibration, 1 yr warranty 


N9030BU-P03Preamplifier, 3.6 GHz 
N9030BU-P08Preamplifier, 8.4 GHz 
N9030BU-P13Preamplifier, 13.6 GHz 
N9030BU-P26Preamplifier, 26.5 GHz 
N9030BU-P44Preamplifier, 44 GHz 
N9030BU-P50Preamplifier, 50 GHz 

Real Time Signal Analysis

N9030BU-RT1Real-time analysis up to maximum available BW, basic detection license 
N9030BU-RT2Real-time analysis up to maximum available BW, optimum detection, license 
N9030BU-RTRReal-time spectrum recorder and analyzer application example 

Security - PC Features

N9030BU-SF1Security features, excluding launch programs 
N9030BU-SF2Security features, prohibit saving results 
N9030BU-SSDSolid state drive upgrade, W7X 
N9030BU-SS1Solid state drive upgrade, Win10, for PC6/PC6S 
N9030BU-PCSCPU Upgrade kit, Cal file memory 
N9030BU-SS2Additional Solid state drive, Win10, for PC8 
N9030BU-PC8CPU Upgrade kit, PC8, Cal file memory 
N9030BU-SS3Additional M.2 NVMe SSD, Win10, for PCA 
N9030BU-PCACPU Upgrade kit, PCA 
N9030BU-SF3Security feature, secure RAM disk boot 

Source Connectivity

N9030BU-ESCExternal source control 

Connection Options

N9030BU-ALVLog video out 
N9030BU-C35RF input, 3.5 mm, male 
N9030BU-CR3Connector rear, second IF output 
N9030BU-CRPConnector, programmable rear IF output 
N9030BU-YAVScreen video, log video and linear video 
R1286A-HUKeysight hardware upgrade installation services. 


N9030BU-033Measuring receiver connector accessory kit, 26.5GHz MMR 
N9030BU-034Measuring receiver connector accessory kit, 50GHz MMR 

Audio Input and Digitizer

N9030BU-107Audio input and digitizer upgrade 

Windows operating system and PC processor/drive upgrade

N9094BUWindows operating system and PC processor/drive upgrade 
United States