X-Microwave makes installing and updating its X-Microwave Library for SystemVue 2017 and later versions and Genesys 2015.08 and later versions easy. The X-Microwave Library is packaged as a digitally signed self-extracting executable file. Use the following steps to complete the installation.

Note: Administrative privileges are not required to complete the installation.

For more information on the X-Microwave library, please visit:


Software Download

SystemVue and Genesys X-Microwave Model Library Download
Platform File name Download Size
Windows (64-bit) X-Microwave.exe Download 74,658,611.125 bytes (71.2 MB)



Note: This library must be installed for each user account on the machine that accesses SystemVue or Genesys.

  1. SystemVue 2017 and later versions or Genesys 2015.08 and later versions must already be installed on the user’s computer.
    Caution: Ensure SystemVue or Genesys is closed before running the library installer.
  2. Download and place the package in C:\Users\Account Name \Documents\My Models
    * where " Account Name " is your Windows login
  3. Run the library installer executable.
  4. Follow the Wizard to complete the installation.
  5. Open SystemVue/Genesys and start using your updated X-MW Library.