The extendable SL1730A provides sink and source with 1000 to 1500 V, 300 to 600 A, and 200 kW.


Meet the SL1700A Battery Pack Test System

Keysight’s SL1700A Scienlab Battery Test System – Pack Level Series allows to realistically emulate the environment of the future battery pack application in order to test the high-power battery pack comprehensively and improve its functions and safety. The growing demand of e-mobility increases the need of vast battery test labs for EV battery development. Keysight developed the SL1700A Series to accelerate the development and validation of batteries. It offers a voltage range of up to 1500 V and power options between 100 and 300 kW extended by the dynamic power boost up to 350 kW. The new high-voltage SiC (silicon carbide) technology provides a high energy efficiency on a small footprint and helps to minimize your operating costs.

  • SiC technology for higher dynamics, precision, and efficiency
  • Up to 1.5 MW power due to parallelization
  • Small footprint thanks to (modular and) compact design
  • Reduce costs for energy and cooling water due to efficient and cost-effective operation with a recovery capability of 96%
  • Extendibility of the systems to meet future needs of higher current, voltage or power
  • The dynamic power boost provides 15% higher power only when needed without oversizing the installed power electronics

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