Power Splitter

Technical Overviews

Technical Overview

Key Features

- Broad operating frequency up to 67 GHz

- Excellent output VSWR at the auxiliary arm when used for source leveling or ratio measurement applications

- Unmatched tracking between outputs ensures minimum measurement uncertainty


The Keysight Technologies, Inc. 11667x is a 50 ohm two-resistor type power splitter that provides exceptional amplitude and phase tracking for highly accurate power splitting.

Offering excellent output power symmetry between the two output ports, the 11667x is recommended for applications that require external source leveling, ratio measurements and for other legacy network/ gain-phase analyzers that do not have built-in power splitters or directional bridges.


Network measurement

Milliohm impedance measurements with shunt-thru method (DC-DC converters, large bypass capacitors)

Transmission coefficient measurements for 2-port devices

Ratioing and Leveling


Specifications describe the product’s warranted performance. Supplemental and typical characteristics are intended to provide typical but non-warranted performance parameters. These are denoted as “typical”, “nominal” or “approximate”

Environmental Specifications

The 11667x power splitter are designed to fully comply with Keysight Technologies’ product operating environment specifications. The following summarizes the environmental specifications for these products.