The CX1151A is an adapter for passive probes for the voltage waveform measurements by the CX3300 series Device Current Waveform Analyzer.


  • Enables passive probes to use with the CX3300 series mainframes.
  • Input impedance: 1 MΩ
  • Maximum input voltage: ±100 V peak
  • Recommended passive probe: Keysight N2843A

The CX1151A is an adapter for passive probes used for voltage waveform measurements by the CX3300 series Device Current Waveform Analyzer. It should be useful when a power waveform measurement is required in addition to current waveform measurements. The recommended passive probe is Keysight N2843A, but the following Keysight probes can be also used with this adapter.

  • (1:1) 10070D, N2870A
  • (10:1) 10073D, 10074D, N2862B, N2863B, N2871A, N2872A, N2873A, N2890A, N2894A, N2853A, N2843A, N2842A, N2841A, N2840A
  • (20:1) N2875A, (100:1) 10076C


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