How to Perform 5G Beamformer IC Testing

Microwave Network Analyzer
+ Microwave Network Analyzer

Verifying beamformer IC under linear and nonlinear conditions

Ensuring reliable and efficient 5G millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication systems requires rigorous testing on the critical elements that form part of the beamformer integrated circuit (IC). Test engineers will need to execute component-level and system-level simulations under linear and nonlinear conditions during the design verification workflow. In addition, 5G component manufacturers need an array of test solutions to address beamforming measurement challenges, including S-parameters, compression (P1dB), intermodulation and harmonic distortion, spurious emission, noise figure, error vector magnitude (EVM), adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR), and multiport and multidirectional measurements.

A vector network analyzer (VNA) and application software enable engineers to test an amplifier’s nonlinear characteristics and noise figure under wideband modulated stimulus conditions. Test engineers require an external switching test set to enable single-connection multiple measurements for multiport / multidirectional beamformer ICs. Engineers conducting 5G NR component testing require a solution that creates 5G NR signals to characterize the modulated performance of power amplifiers.

Beanformer IC Solution

5G beamformer IC test solution

Testing 5G beamformer IC requires a combination of hardware and software tools. The Keysight 5G beamformer IC test solution includes a microwave network analyzer, signal analyzer, modulation distortion application software, microwave vector signal generator, and signal generation software. These tools help you generate 5G NR signals for executing fast multiport S-parameter and power amplifier measurements. You can add a modular switch matrix for multiport / multidirectional beamformer IC measurements. 

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