
Automated spectrum monitoring, signal intercept, collection and classification software. Fast and accurate geolocation for targeted RF emitters. Ideal for interference detection, identification, location and reporting.

Keysight Spectrum Management Software (KSMS)

Control your spectrum, measure utilization, and identify interference, all in a single platform.

Detect, Classify and Identify

High-speed, high-resolution automated spectrum search to quickly detect, classify and identify signals of interest. With powerful environmental mask triggering and SQL signal database.

Geolocation and Mapping

Powerful geolocation algorithms using Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA), Relative Signal Strength (RSS) or a unique adaptive Hybrid technique provides pin point location of unknown RF emitters using a network of N6841A RF sensors. Geolocation results can be exported to an SQL database or mapping software such as Google Earth.

Demodulate and Listen

This audio player software allows you to listen to a variety of IQ and audio file types (.cap, .wav, .au, .sdf). It provides analog demodulation AM, FM, USB, LSB & CW signals. Key audio segments can be exported as wave (.wav) files. Signals can be displayed in both time or frequency domain.

Satellite Monitoring

Fast, effective solution for validating satellite signal integrity. Monitor large blocks of spectrum and perform precise digital

modulation analysis with increased configuration flexibility and reduced size and cost.

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