
Create Savings, Not Heat

The Keysight RP7900 Series regenerative power supply provides both sourcing and electrical loading up to 30 kW. A bidirectional supply is ideal for testing energy storage and converters. Most electronic loads convert energy to heat which can cause a temperature rise in a rack — leading to measurement errors. A regenerative power supply safely returns the energy to the grid eliminating additional costs to remove the excess heat.

  • Operate in a two-quadrant mode as a power source and regenerative electronic load.
  • Up to 2000 V, up to ±800 A, up to 30 kW per instrument.
  • Fast output speed and sub-millisecond command processing time.
  • Create up to 600 kW power or loading through easy parallel connection.
  • Regeneration returns 90% of power to the grid, reducing cooling costs.
  • RP7970 & RP7980 Series offers photovoltaic simulation capability.
  • Connectivity includes LAN (LXI Core), USB, and GPIB.

PW9253A PathWave Advanced Battery Test and Emulation

Achieve higher accuracy, repeatability, and safety with an emulation-based unique battery model. Modeling enables you to determine your device's power consumption, emulate an actual battery, and import existing battery models.

  • See how your device consumes power and simulate actual batteries.
  • Import existing battery model data from a CSV file or integrate into an existing program with API calls.
  • Test and emulate batteries up to 200 kW and up to 2 kV.
  • Profile batteries through charge / discharge to create a unique battery model.
  • Emulate charge states to reduce test time, improve safety, and test repeatability.
  • View the charge / discharge and cycle batteries process to determine capacity, loss of capacity, and reduction of battery life.

Seamlessly Source and Sink Current

The RP7900 Series regenerative power supply can operate in voltage or current priority. Voltage priority allows positive and negative current limits. The power supply can seamlessly change from sourcing current to sinking current. When testing energy storage systems, it is important to be able to switch between sourcing and sinking current.

Key Specifications

Number of Outputs


Total Power

5, 10, 20 & 30 kW

Rack Units


Ripple and Noise

3 mVrms



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