
  • Covers the latest DisplayPort and DP Alt Mode on USB Type-C specification to support UHBR, HBR, and RBR speed rates passive cable.
  • Supports 4-Port VNA on E5080B ENA, E5081A ENA-X, N522xB PNA, P502xA/P502xB/P93xxB Streamline VNA series, and PXI-VNA series.
  • Fully automated with L8990M-0LZ 4-to-20 ports switch matrices system.
  • Setup wizard for quick setup, calibration, and test selection.
  • Provides test fixture de-embedding and 2X THRU Automatic Fixture Removal (AFR) for accurate measurement results.
  • Test plan customization for specific test applications and validation purposes.
  • Comprehensive test report in HTML and CSV format.
  • Real-time debugging and troubleshooting.
  • TAP platform compatible to test USB Type-C passive and active cables with the additional software license on S94USBCB.

Free Trials

Get a 30-day trial license for S94DPPCB DisplayPort DP Cable Compliance Test Software.

  • Request a free trial of the software
  • Enables the application on your PC or VNA
  • Evaluate the full-featured version with no functionality restrictions 

Interested in a S94DPPCB?

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