!!!!    6    0    1  719003989   0000                                         

!  Copyright (c) Hewlett-Packard Co. 1992
!  All Rights Reserved.  Reproduction, adaptation, or translation
!  without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed
!  under the copyright laws.
! Device:        pcf8571
! Manufacturer:  VALVO
! Description:   128 * 8 bit static ram I^2C -Bus
! Package:       8 pin DIL
! Test Platform: 3065,3070
! Safeguard:     standard_cmos
! Additional Comments:

vector cycle 1000n
receive delay 900n

assign   VCC to pins   8
assign   GND to pins   4

assign   A0 to pins  1  default "0"
assign   A1 to pins  2  default "0"
assign   A2 to pins  3  default "0"

assign   Test to pins 7  default "0"

assign   SCL to pins  6
assign   SDA to pins  5

family TTL
power VCC,GND
inputs A0,A1,A2,SCL,TEST
bidirectional SDA

disable SDA with SCL to "1"

warning " pull-ups required on SDA + SDC ! "
warning " Test for A0=0 A1=0 A2=0 !"

! ******************************************************************************
! ******************************************************************************
vector  Begin
   drive SDA
   set   SCL                  to "1"
   set   SDA                  to "1"
end vector

vector  Start
   drive SDA
   set   SCL                  to "1"
   set   SDA                  to "0"
end vector

vector  Stop
   drive SDA
   set   SCL                  to "1"
   set   SDA                  to "1"
end vector

vector  SCL_0
   drive SDA
   set   SCL                  to "0"
   set   SDA                  to "k"
end vector

vector  SCL_1
   drive SDA
   set   SCL                  to "1"
   set   SDA                  to "k"
end vector

vector  Dd_0
   drive SDA
   set   SCL                  to "k"
   set   SDA                  to "0"
end vector

vector  Dd_1
   drive SDA
   set   SCL                  to "k"
   set   SDA                  to "1"
end vector

vector  SCL_0_D_X
   receive  SDA
   set   SCL                  to "0"
   set   SDA                  to "x"
end vector

vector  SCL_1_D_X
   receive  SDA
   set   SCL                  to "1"
   set   SDA                  to "x"
end vector

vector  ACK_S0
   receive  SDA
   set   SCL                  to "1"
   set   SDA                  to "0"
end vector

vector  SCL_R_0
   receive  SDA
   set   SCL                  to "0"
   set   SDA                  to "x"
end vector

vector  SCL_R_1
   receive  SDA
   set   SCL                  to "1"
   set   SDA                  to "x"
end vector

vector  Dr_0
   receive  SDA
   set   SCL                  to "k"
   set   SDA                  to "0"
end vector

vector  Dr_1
   receive  SDA
   set   SCL                  to "k"
   set   SDA                  to "1"
end vector

vector  ACK_M0
   drive SDA
   set   SCL                  to "k"
   set   SDA                  to "0"
end vector

vector  ACK_M1
   receive  SDA
   set   SCL                  to "k"
   set   SDA                  to "1"
end vector

vector  RW_0
   drive SDA
   set   SCL                  to "k"
   set   SDA                  to "0"
end vector

vector  RW_1
   drive SDA
   set   SCL                  to "k"
   set   SDA                  to "1"
end vector

vector  SCL_1_D_0
   drive SDA
   set   SCL                  to "1"
   set   SDA                  to "0"
end vector

! ******************************************************************************
! ******************************************************************************
sub  IC_Address(RW)
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  Dd_1
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  Dd_0
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  Dd_1
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  Dd_0
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  Dd_0
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  Dd_0
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  Dd_0
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  RW
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0_D_X
   execute  SCL_1_D_X
   execute  Ack_S0         !ACK von Slave
   execute  SCL_0_D_X
end sub

sub  Word_Address(D0,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7)
   execute  D0
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  D1
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  D2
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  D3
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  D4
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  D5
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  D6
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  D7
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0_D_X
   execute  SCL_1_D_X
   execute  ACK_S0            !Ack von Slave
   execute  SCL_0_D_X
end sub

sub  Write_Data(D0,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7)
   execute  D0
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  D1
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  D2
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  D3
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  D4
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  D5
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  D6
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0
   execute  D7
   execute  SCL_1
   execute  SCL_0_D_X
   execute  SCL_1_D_X
   execute  ACK_S0            !Ack von Slave
   execute  SCL_0_D_X
end sub

sub  Read_Data(D0,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7)
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D0
   execute  SCL_R_0
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D1
   execute  SCL_R_0
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D2
   execute  SCL_R_0
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D3
   execute  SCL_R_0
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D4
   execute  SCL_R_0
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D5
   execute  SCL_R_0
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D6
   execute  SCL_R_0
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D7
   execute  SCL_0_D_X
   execute  ACK_M0            !Ack von Master
   execute  SCL_1_D_0
   execute  SCL_0_D_X
end sub

sub  Read_Data_Last(D0,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7)
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D0
   execute  SCL_R_0
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D1
   execute  SCL_R_0
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D2
   execute  SCL_R_0
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D3
   execute  SCL_R_0
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D4
   execute  SCL_R_0
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D5
   execute  SCL_R_0
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D6
   execute  SCL_R_0
   execute  SCL_R_1
   execute  D7
   execute  SCL_0_D_X
   execute  SCL_1_D_X
   execute  ACK_M1            ! kein Ack von Master  ACK = 1
   execute  SCL_0_D_X
end sub

! ******************************************************************************
! ******************************************************************************

unit  "write"
   execute  Begin   ! c=1 d=1
!  execute Start   ! c=1 d=0
   execute  Stop    ! c=1 d=1
   execute  Start   ! c=1 d=0
   call  IC_Address(RW_0)
   call  Word_Address(Dd_0,Dd_0,Dd_0,Dd_0,Dd_0,Dd_0,Dd_0,Dd_0)
   repeat   64 times
      call  Write_Data(Dd_1,Dd_0,Dd_1,Dd_0,Dd_1,Dd_0,Dd_1,Dd_0)
      call  Write_Data(Dd_0,Dd_1,Dd_0,Dd_1,Dd_0,Dd_1,Dd_0,Dd_1)
   end repeat
   execute  Stop
end unit

unit  "read"
   execute  Begin
   execute  Start
   execute  Stop
   execute  Start
   call  IC_Address(RW_0)
   call  Word_Address(Dd_0,Dd_0,Dd_0,Dd_0,Dd_0,Dd_0,Dd_0,Dd_0)
   execute  Begin sync
   execute  Start
   call  IC_Address(RW_1)
   repeat   63 times                                                !ACK = 0
      call  Read_Data(Dr_1,Dr_0,Dr_1,Dr_0,Dr_1,Dr_0,Dr_1,Dr_0)      !  ""
      call  Read_Data(Dr_0,Dr_1,Dr_0,Dr_1,Dr_0,Dr_1,Dr_0,Dr_1)      !  ""
   end repeat
   call  Read_Data(Dr_1,Dr_0,Dr_1,Dr_0,Dr_1,Dr_0,Dr_1,Dr_0)      !  ""
   call  Read_Data_last(Dr_0,Dr_1,Dr_0,Dr_1,Dr_0,Dr_1,Dr_0,Dr_1) !ACK = 1
   execute  Stop
end unit

!  End of test