!!!!    6    0    1  986331125  V94dd                                         

! Device           : 74ls319
! Function         : Static RAM oc 16 x 4
! revision         : B.01.00
! safeguard        : hi_oc_lsttl
! Modifications    : Modified for AwareTest xi
  warning           "This library has not been verified with hardware."

 vector cycle 2u
 receive delay 1.9u

! warning "Pull-ups are required on open-collector outputs."

 assign        VCC                 to pins         16
 assign        GND                 to pins         8

 assign        Address             to pins         13,14,15,1
 assign        Data_in             to pins         12,10,6,4
 assign        D4                  to pins         12
 assign        D3                  to pins         10
 assign        D2                  to pins         6
 assign        D1                  to pins         4

 assign        Data_out            to pins         11,9,7,5
 assign        Q4                  to pins         11
 assign        Q3                  to pins         9
 assign        Q2                  to pins         7
 assign        Q1                  to pins         5

 assign        Chip_Select_bar     to pins         2
 assign        Write_bar           to pins         3
 assign        Disables            to pins         2,3

 power         VCC, GND

 family        TTL

 inputs        Address, Data_in, Chip_Select_bar, Write_bar, Disables
 inputs        D1, D2, D3, D4               !AT Added for minimum pin test.

 outputs       Data_out
 outputs       Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4               !AT Added for minimum pin test.

 disable       Data_out    with    Disables      to       "00"
 disable       Data_out    with    Disables      to       "1X"

 when Chip_Select_bar is "1" inactive Data_out

 trace Q4 to Address, D4, Chip_Select_bar, Write_bar, Disables
 trace Q3 to Address, D3, Chip_Select_bar, Write_bar, Disables
 trace Q2 to Address, D2, Chip_Select_bar, Write_bar, Disables
 trace Q1 to Address, D1, Chip_Select_bar, Write_bar, Disables

set load on groups  Data_out  to pull up


 vector        Address_0000
      set      Address             to              "0000"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "1"
 end vector

 vector        Address_0001
      set      Address             to              "0001"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "1"
 end vector

 vector        Address_0011
      set      Address             to              "0011"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "1"
 end vector

 vector        Address_0111
      set      Address             to              "0111"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "1"
 end vector

 vector        Address_1111
      set      Address             to              "1111"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "1"
 end vector

 vector        Data_in_0000
      set      Address             to              "kkkk"
      set      Data_in             to              "0000"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "0"
 end vector

 vector        Data_in_0001
      set      Address             to              "kkkk"
      set      Data_in             to              "0001"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "0"
 end vector

 vector        Data_in_0011
      set      Address             to              "kkkk"
      set      Data_in             to              "0011"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "0"
 end vector

 vector        Data_in_0111
      set      Address             to              "kkkk"
      set      Data_in             to              "0111"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "0"
 end vector

 vector        Data_in_1111
      set      Address             to              "kkkk"
      set      Data_in             to              "1111"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "0"
 end vector

 vector        End_Write
      set      Data_in             to              "kkkk"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "1"
 end vector

 vector        End_Cycle
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "1"
      set      Write_bar           to              "1"
 end vector

 vector        Data_out_0000
      set      Address             to              "kkkk"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "1"
      set      Data_out            to              "0000"
 end vector

 vector        Data_out_0001
      set      Address             to              "kkkk"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "1"
      set      Data_out            to              "0001"
 end vector

 vector        Data_out_0011
      set      Address             to              "kkkk"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "1"
      set      Data_out            to              "0011"
 end vector

 vector        Data_out_0111
      set      Address             to              "kkkk"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "1"
      set      Data_out            to              "0111"
 end vector

 vector        Data_out_1111
      set      Address             to              "kkkk"
      set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
      set      Write_bar           to              "1"
      set      Data_out            to              "1111"
 end vector

!AT The following vectors have been added for a minimum pins test. Any
!AT vectors that references the data bus was copied and modified to reference
!AT only a single pin of the data bus.

vector        Data_in_D1_0
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      D1                  to              "0"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "0"
end vector

vector        Data_in_D1_1
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      D1                  to              "1"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "0"
end vector

vector        Data_in_D2_0
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      D2                  to              "0"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "0"
end vector

vector        Data_in_D2_1
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      D2                  to              "1"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "0"
end vector

vector        Data_in_D3_0
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      D3                  to              "0"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "0"
end vector

vector        Data_in_D3_1
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      D3                  to              "1"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "0"
end vector

vector        Data_in_D4_0
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      D4                  to              "0"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "0"
end vector

vector        Data_in_D4_1
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      D4                  to              "1"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "0"
end vector

vector        Data_out_Q1_0
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "1"
     set      Q1                  to              "0"
end vector

vector        Data_out_Q1_1
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "1"
     set      Q1                  to              "1"
end vector

vector        Data_out_Q2_0
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "1"
     set      Q2                  to              "0"
end vector

vector        Data_out_Q2_1
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "1"
     set      Q2                  to              "1"
end vector

vector        Data_out_Q3_0
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "1"
     set      Q3                  to              "0"
end vector

vector        Data_out_Q3_1
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "1"
     set      Q3                  to              "1"
end vector

vector        Data_out_Q4_0
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "1"
     set      Q4                  to              "0"
end vector

vector        Data_out_Q4_1
     set      Address             to              "kkkk"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "1"
     set      Q4                  to              "1"
end vector

vector        End_Write_D1
     set      D1                  to              "k"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "1"
end vector

vector        End_Write_D2
     set      D2                  to              "k"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "1"
end vector

vector        End_Write_D3
     set      D3                  to              "k"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "1"
end vector

vector        End_Write_D4
     set      D4                  to              "k"
     set      Chip_Select_bar     to              "0"
     set      Write_bar           to              "1"
end vector


 sub           Write_data (Address,Data)
        execute          Address
        execute          Data
        execute          End_Write
        execute          End_Cycle
 end sub

 sub           Read_Data (Address,Data)
        execute          Address
        execute          Data
        execute          End_Cycle
 end sub

!AT The following subroutines have been added for a minimum pins test.
!AT Vectors in the subroutine "Write_data" reference the entire data bus.
!AT Therefore this subroutine was copied and modified to reference only
!AT a single pin of the data bus. The subroutine "Read_data" did not
!AT require any modification as all references to the data bus are made
!AT via a passed parameter (Data). This reference can be modified in the
!AT call statement.

sub  Write_data_Dx (Address, Data_Dx, End_Write_Dx)
     execute   Address
     execute   Data_Dx
     execute   End_Write_Dx
     execute   End_Cycle
end sub


!AT The following AwareTest units have been added for minimum pins tests. Each
!AT unit tests a separate data pin starting with D1.

unit   "awaretest D1 Test"

     call Write_data_Dx (Address_0000, Data_in_D1_0, End_Write_D1)
     call Read_data (Address_0000, Data_out_Q1_0)

     call Write_data_Dx (Address_0000, Data_in_D1_1, End_Write_D1)
     call Read_data (Address_0000, Data_out_Q1_1)

end unit

unit   "awaretest D2 Test"

     call Write_data_Dx (Address_0000, Data_in_D2_0, End_Write_D2)
     call Read_data (Address_0000, Data_out_Q2_0)

     call Write_data_Dx (Address_0000, Data_in_D2_1, End_Write_D2)
     call Read_data (Address_0000, Data_out_Q2_1)

end unit

unit   "awaretest D3 Test"

     call Write_data_Dx (Address_0000, Data_in_D3_0, End_Write_D3)
     call Read_data (Address_0000, Data_out_Q3_0)

     call Write_data_Dx (Address_0000, Data_in_D3_1, End_Write_D3)
     call Read_data (Address_0000, Data_out_Q3_1)

end unit

unit   "awaretest D4 Test"

     call Write_data_Dx (Address_0000, Data_in_D4_0, End_Write_D4)
     call Read_data (Address_0000, Data_out_Q4_0)

     call Write_data_Dx (Address_0000, Data_in_D4_1, End_Write_D4)
     call Read_data (Address_0000, Data_out_Q4_1)

end unit

 unit          "RAM TEST"

 !   Initialize Ram cells
        call             Write_Data (Address_0000,Data_in_1111)
        call             Write_Data (Address_0001,Data_in_1111)
        call             Write_Data (Address_0011,Data_in_1111)
        call             Write_Data (Address_0111,Data_in_1111)
        call             Write_Data (Address_1111,Data_in_0000)

 !   Write to Ram cells with greycode patern
        call             Write_Data (Address_0000,Data_in_0000)
        call             Write_Data (Address_0001,Data_in_0001)
        call             Write_Data (Address_0011,Data_in_0011)
        call             Write_Data (Address_0111,Data_in_0111)
        call             Write_Data (Address_1111,Data_in_1111)

 !   Read Ram cells
        call             Read_data (Address_0000,Data_out_0000)
        call             Read_data (Address_0001,Data_out_0001)
        call             Read_data (Address_0011,Data_out_0011)
        call             Read_data (Address_0111,Data_out_0111)
        call             Read_data (Address_1111,Data_out_1111)

 end unit

 !    End of test