The N5323A PCI Express jammer is an innovative inline error injection tool that helps ensure your devices meets the challenging interoperability environment. At the same time, the PCIe jammer will help you test even closer to your customer’s environments and also shorten test cycles.

The N5323A is a standalone PCI Express card form factor. The software application that controls the N5323A card runs on a Windows XP or Windows 7 PC host connected via a USB 2.0 link.

A Keysight recomenda usar a versão mais atual, que inclui as correções de bugs e arquivos de segurança mais atualizados disponíveis.
Data de lançamento Versão Descrição da Versão
2011-09-27 7.04.005 Protocol Jammer Software now supports Windows 7 operating system
Data de lançamento Versão
2011-09-27 7.04.005
Version Description
Protocol Jammer Software now supports Windows 7 operating system

Como Baixar

  • Click the download button, select file and save.

Como Instalar

  • After you have downloaded the software, double click on the setup file and follow the instructions which are displayed.


  • Requires a License

Documentação de suporte

Installs on: PC

Sistema Operacional

  • Windows 7
  • Windows XP SP3
  • Windows XP SP2


  • Information Not Available

Instrumentos Compatíveis

  • N5323A
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