Take Action Now To Prepare

Don't be surprised by network blind spots. Strengthen your network security to be fully ready for enforcement in May 2018. GDPR applies to all companies that do business with individuals residing in the European Union, no matter where the company is located.

Keysight visibility solutions ensure your security and monitoring tools see everything on your network—to keep your data safe and your network secure.

Download the infographic to discover five steps you can take now to prepare.

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Prepare Your Network Now

GDPR will apply to all organizations doing business in the European Union (EU) or with EU citizens and the deadline is closer than you realize.

Failure to act could have serious consequences for your bottom line, customer relationships, and brand image.

Learn how Keysight visibility and security solutions support compliance and help you get ready for GDPR.

Breach Detection

The best protection starts with being able to see everything on your network and quickly detect a threat or attack.

  • Keysight network taps access traffic on every network segment—including virtual and cloud traffic.
  • Keysight hardware accelerators process packets at line rate speed, to support fast breach detection.
  • For strong cloud security, Keysight CloudLens private cloud and public cloud solutions process packets directly in the cloud.
  • Keysight’s integrated threat intelligence blocks traffic from malicious IP addresses to reduce security alerts.
breach detection
security intelligence

Security Intelligence

The intelligence to see inside network packets makes privacy protection easier.

Resilience And Fast Recovery

Keysight supports true high availability configurations of security infrastructure to continually protect against unauthorized access or exfiltration of customer data

  • Keysight bypass switches route inline network traffic around any security appliance that stops responding for any reason, to provide failsafe security processing. The alternate path feature can switch traffic to a backup appliance automatically.
  • Redundant Keysight NPBs can share the regular workload with complete synchronization and provide nanosecond recovery, to ensure continuous operation of your security solutions.
resilience & fast recovery
testing & training

Security Testing And Training

Stress-test your security infrastructure and prepare your staff to respond to data breaches within the 72-hour GDPR time limit.

  • Keysight Breaking Point test platform lets you validate the security posture of your networks with realistic volumes of application traffic and a complete range of threat vectors.
  • Keysight Cyber Range Services include a readiness assessment, structured training, and war-gaming exercises to prepare your staff to defend critical communications networks.
  • Professional Services experts can supplement your technical staff and reduce project risk by performing real-world testing and provide actionable insight into your infrastructure readiness to protect data privacy.

Featured Partners

Keysight visibility solutions help security tools from these key technology partners work more efficiently.

cisco partner

Keysight solutions overcome the limitations of Application Centric infrastructure and maximize efficiency of Cisco cyber security tools. Learn more.

fireeye partner

Keysight solutions boost FireEye tool efficiency and protect network availability during inline traffic inspection. Learn more.

imperva partner

In high-bandwidth environments, Keysight works with Imperva to provide database security and compliance solutions for 10 Gbps and beyond. Learn more.

What Do You Have At Risk?


Fines—determined by the nature and severity of the infringement—can reach 20M Euros (~22M USD) or 4% of revenue, whichever is greater.

loss of customer confidence

Loss of customer confidence can impact revenues and customer satisfaction.

market share

Market share can decline as competitors capitalize on any breach you suffer.

negative press

Negative press can put your organization on the defensive.

Let Keysight help you prepare for GDPR by ensuring your security and monitoring tools operate with accuracy, speed, and greater efficiency—to keep customer data secure and your network safe.