Application Notes
What Atlas Test Management Center Does:
Atlas Test Management Center (Atlas-TMC) streamlines the full testing workflow and integrates all the required features to cover different automation use cases, on an intuitive interface for all wireless solutions.
Almost every Keysight wireless solution has a native test manager to design, manage and execute test campaigns. When using multiple test solutions this becomes time consuming as users get acquainted with multiple test automation software. In addition, with the evolution of 5G NR technology and new DUT requirements being released, users need a single and simple solution to test different test cases outlined by network operators and validation forums.
Atlas-TMC overcomes these challenges and delivers a one automation framework addressing all the customers' end-to-end testing requirements.
How does Atlas-TMC work?
Atlas-TMC is a browser-based application that enables the users to manage their test campaign planning and execution using their web browser. Conventionally, the test managers have been desktop applications that require remote access into the system and separate installation and maintenance. By designing the Atlas-TMC to be a web application, it enables the users to access it from anywhere within the network and frees up the system resources for optimal test execution.
Multi-user, simultaneous access:
Users can access the Atlas-TMC via their web browser, instead of having to contend for remote access and wait to execute their test campaigns. Each user can access their system to create and execute test campaigns whenever they want. There is also the functionality to queue test campaigns, resulting in better utilization of time and effort. All the DUT profiles, test plans and results are stored in the Atlas-TMC, enabling easy access to all the users, increasing collaboration, and optimizing the test workflow.
Managing multiple stations and DUTs:
Atlas-TMC provides the users the ability to access and manage all their stations and DUTs in the same browser. Atlas-TMC will be the one test manager to manage multiple Keysight wireless solutions. Having a single test manager across all solutions makes it easy for the users to have a common framework for management of various solutions like Device Acceptance, O-RAN security etc. Atlas-TMC covers all the parameters and workflows required for these solutions. This is efficient and ideal for the users, as they only get acquainted with one test manager instead of having to know all the different test managers for different test solutions. Atlas-TMC hence can make the users’ workflow and testing easier, faster, and more efficient.
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