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N2825A User-defined Resistor Tip
Use with N2820A and N2821A high-sensitivity current probes and choose your resistor between 1 mΩ to 1 MΩ
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Use with N2820A and N2821A high-sensitivity current probes and choose your resistor between 1 mΩ to 1 MΩ
- User-defined head
- No resistor in the sense head
- Choose your resistor between 1 mΩ to 1 MΩ
- For use with N2820A/N2821A high-sensitivity current probes
The N2825A user-defined head is helpful in situations where the user wants to use their own sense resistor mounted on the DUT. Before the oscilloscope makes measurements, it must know the value of the sense resistor. The user will need to enter the sense resistor value into the oscilloscope so it can calculate accurate current measurements.
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