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Passende Inhalte
M9804A PXI Vector Network Analyzer, 9 kHz to 20 GHz
Full 2/4/6/ port VNA on a PXI module with flexible applications
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Full 2/4/6/ port VNA on a PXI module with flexible applications
Already own a performance network analyzer?
Trade in your current network analyzer or a competitor's model and get a credit of up to 75% toward a new M980xA or M983xA.
The M980xA PXIe Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) meets the most demanding multiport challenges with exceptional measurement performance and a fast cycle time so you can do more in less time. Gain deeper insights into your devices with the widest available portfolio of measurement applications for PXI VNAs, including spectrum analysis, noise figure measurements, and more.
- Cascade multiple modules for up to 50 ports on a single chassis of multiport or multisite measurement.
- Make accurate multiport measurements with N-port correction capability.
- Perform fast and easy multiport calibration with electronic calibration (ECal) modules.
- Choose from a wide range of measurement applications to gain deeper insight into your RF test.
- Get the same intuitive GUI as Keysight’s high-performance network analyzers.
What's included:
- quick-start guide
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