
N7776C-113Wavelengths 1240nm - 1380nm 
N7776C-114Wavelengths 1340nm - 1495nm 
N7776C-116Wavelengths 1490nm - 1640nm 
N7776C-216Wavelengths 1450nm - 1650nm 
N7776C-D00Standard Front Panel 
N7776C-D01Touchscreen Display, 5in 
81000HIConnector interface E-2000 (physical contact) 
81000KIConnector interface SC 
81000NIConnector interface, connector type FC - narrow key way 
81000SIConnector interface DIN 47256/4108 
81000LILC Connector interface for source modules 
81000FIConnector interface FC/PC/SPC 

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Für dieses Produkt ist KeysightCare verfügbar. Erfahren Sie mehr dazu …. oder weitere Informationen

R-55C-001-3KeysightCare Calibration - calibration of choice and technical support with priority TAT - 3 years 
R-55C-001-5KeysightCare Calibration - calibration of choice and technical support with priority TAT - 5 years 
R-55A-001-3CKeysightCare Assured - Extend to 3 years (includes Return to Keysight Extended Warranty) 
R-55A-001-5CKeysightCare Assured - Extend to 5 years (includes Return to Keysight Extended Warranty) 
R-51B-001-CReturn to Keysight Warranty - 1 year. 
R-51B-001-3CExtended Warranty - Return to Keysight - 3 years 
R-51B-001-5CExtended Warranty - Return to Keysight - 5 years 
R-50C-011-3Calibration Plan - Return to Keysight - 3 years 
R-50C-011-5Calibration Plan - Return to Keysight - 5 years 