N4391SALC Optical Modulation Analysis Software


Optical Modulation Analysis Software


The analysis software from Keysight’s Optical Modulation Analyzer portfolio can be used on your PC without any instrumentation. It offers all the analysis capabilities including its advanced signal processing algorithms for complex modulated optical signals. Use this software to process and analyze raw data stored as .sdf, mat or csv files from measurements with any Keysight Optical Modulation Analyzer. This capability allows you to work with the data as if you would work directly in front of the instrument. It is an excellent tool for developing your own signal processing algorithms and testing them off-line, together with your MATLAB compiler. In addition, this software is an effective tool for learning basic and advanced concepts of complex optical modulation, based on stored files.

Key Features

  • Post-process recordings with various analysis parameters without blocking hardware
  • Hands-on learning about complex optical transmission
  • Measure EVM for dual-polarization IQ signals including detailed impairment analysis 
  • Support of standard as well as user-defined constellation maps
  • Analysis of signals with Probabilistic Constellation Shaping (PCS)
  • Standard-conform EVM measurement according to ITU G.698.2
  • Smart way to setup the analysis software reduces setup time
  • Modulation format transparent pre-processing algorithms including our patented polarization demultiplexing in Stokes space
  • Interface for adding your own MATLAB-algorithm into the pre-processing chain
  • Measurement tools such as laser linewidth, optical statistics table and 3D Poincaré polarization analysis
  • Infiniium scope hardware connectivity

Vector Signal Analysis (VSA) Software

N4391SALC is an extension to the industry-standard Keysight Vector Signal Analysis (VSA) software for coherent optical dual polarization data streams. This analysis software is the work horse in RF and mobile engineering labs and offers all tools needed to analyze complex modulated (or vector modulated) optical signals. It provides a number of parameters that qualify the signal integrity of your measured signal. The most common one is the Error Vector Magnitude (EVM). In addition, the functionality can be extended with math and macro functions according to your needs.

User-Selectable Algorithms

Choose from a comprehensive list of Keysight’s algorithms. Freely change the order of selected algorithms and edit their respective parameters. 

There are three ways to include your own custom algorithms: 

  • Write a custom algorithm in C# or VB .NET,
  • Execute a MATLAB m-file using the MFileWrapper, or
  • Execute a compiled MATLAB DLL